

Glucose using sunlight is called

Updated: 8/9/2023
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Glucose doesn't use sunlight. Instead, plants use photosynthesis to make glucose.

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Q: Glucose using sunlight is called
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Is making glucose from CO2 photosynthesis or respiration?

The making of glucose from CO2 using sunlight is called photosynthesis. The breaking down of glucose and release of CO2 is respiration.

What are green plants that make their own food using sunlight called?

Green plants that make their own food using sunlight are called autotrophs. This process is known as photosynthesis, where plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.

What is the prossess of making food from sunlight?

It is called photosynthesis. It is the CO2 reduction into glucose

Why water is essential for the light reactions?

Photosynthesis is the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into a sugar called glucose using sunlight energy. Water is key.

What process requires sunlight?

This question refers how plants produce glucose through the chemical pathway of photosynthesis. That being said photosynthesis produces organic molecules from the organic molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2).

When plants use sunlight to make food the energy of the sunlight is what?

The process through which plants receive sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide and produce oxygen and sugars (glucose) is called photosynthesis.

Does chlorophyll trap glucose from sunlight?

no, chlorophyll traps the light energy from sunlight, and uses it in photosynthesis to make glucose.

How does chloropyll help plants?

it brings in the sunlight to help the plants make a type of sugar called glucose

What is the product of sunlight in plant process?

The sunlight is made into its product via a process called photosynthesis. The products are glucose which will be converted to starch later and oxygen is produced

Does plant only need water and light for photosynthesis?

No the word equation for hotosynthesis is Carbon Dioxide+Water (using sunlight and chlorophyll) [imagine there is an arrow here with sunlight and chlorophyll on the top and bottom of it] glucose and Oxygen. This means that the plant takes in Carbon Dioxide from the air, water from the ground, then converts it using sunlight and chlorophyll (photosynthesis) into glucose (its food, the purpose of photosynthesis) and Oxygen, which we breath in.

What and how do organisms use sunlight energy trapped in plants?

This energy is stored in glucose. Plants synthesize many things using glucose energy. Other organisms consume plants basically

Are photosynthetic organisms called consumers?

No, organisms that use photosynthesis are called producers because they capture sunlight energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose sugars, oxygen, and water. The glucose sugars are used by the plant to grow and reproduce. Since these plant organisms are creating biomass using sunlight, they are essentially producing food for other organisms to consume (who are called consumers).