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Q: Holes in the nuclear membrane where mRNA leaves to move to the ribosome?
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What small holes are in the nuclear membrane?

Nuclear Pores

What are the holes called in the nuclear membrane?

Nuclear Pore

What is the nuclear pore used for?

The nuclear pores are tiny holes in the the nuclear membrane surrounding the nucleus of a cell, which allow the movement of solluable materials through the nuclear membrane, in and out of the nucleus.

What is the role nuclear pore?

Small holes in the nuclear membrane of a cell's nucleus, which allow the transportation of water solluable materials in and out of the nucleus through the nuclear membrane.

What is the presence of nuclear membrane?

A nuclear membrane is like the cell membrane except it protects the nucleus. Nuclear membran is the double-layered membrane surrounding the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. a specialized structure occurring in many cells and separated from the rest of the cell by a double layer, called the nuclear membrane. This membrane seems to be continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell and has pores. It has holes that support materials with moving in and out of it. It works with the nucleus.

How do matrials pass in and out of a cell nucleus?

There are small holes in the membrane of the nucleus called the nuclear pore. This allows small substances to pass into and out of the nucleus but traps large molecules like DNA and structures such as the nucleolus inside the cell nucleus.

This is found inside the cell membrane surrounding the nucleus?

the membrane that surrounds the nucleus is the nuclear envelope. It has two layers, an inner and outter layer; each layer is made up of a phospolipid bilayer. There are small holes in the nucleur envelope called pores.

What is a cell membrane like?

Well a tea bag is an example my teacher uses for a cell membrane because there are tiny pores in the cell membrane that allow certain things into and out of the cell. As for the tea bag it allows things in but nothing out, only the tea leaves flavour is let out but not the tea leaves. If your doing a project, play doh or jello works just as fine :D

Why are there holes on the leaves of your rose bushes?

There are holes in the leaves of your rose bush because caterpillars come and eat the leaves and the hole is the place of the leave that the caterpillar ate at.

Do cell membrane have holes to let thing in?


Does the cell membrane of cells have pores or holes in them?


What part of the cell is full of holes?

The nucleus- the holes in the nucleus are called "nuclear pores".