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Carnivores incorporate plants into their diet by consuming the stomach contents of their prey, which often contains partially digested plant material. This allows them to obtain some nutrients from plants indirectly. Additionally, some carnivores may also eat small amounts of vegetation or fruits as a supplement to their primarily meat-based diet.

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Q: How do carnivores incorporate plants into their diet?
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Do carnivores eat plants as part of their diet?

No, carnivores do not typically eat plants as part of their diet. They primarily consume meat from other animals.

What is the difference in the diet of carnivores and herbivores?

herbivores only eat plants and carnivores eat both meat and plants.

Does the top carnivore eat plants?

carnivores are mainly animals that in their diet have a mixture of meat and plants.

What is the difference in the diet of carniviores and herbivores?

Carnivores are those that eat other animals. Herbivores have a diet consisting of plants.

Why do foxes have to be carnivores?

Foxes are omnivores and not strictly carnivores. They eat plants as well as animals. During some seasons their diet may consist of only plants, such as berries.

Why do carnivores have to eat a lot of meat?

Carnivores have evolved to eat only meat.Herbivores have evolved to graze plants, and provide the prey that carnivores hunt, kill and eat.Omnivores (including humans) eat meat and plants - ensuring a mixed diet.

Do panthers eat plants?

YES, panthers are carnivores.Yes. All cats are carnivores.yes panthers are carnivores. (note spelling)

Is a rabbit a carnivore omnivore or carnivores?

They are omnivores. Their diet consists of mainly plants, but they sometimes eat bugs.

Do they eat plants?

No, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their diet consists primarily of meat. They do not typically consume plants as part of their natural diet.

What animals classed as omnivores eat?

There are only 3 orders of animals - Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores. Herbivores eat only plants in their diet - carnivores eat only meat and omnivores eat both meat and plants as part of its normal diet. Herbivores are only plant eaters - animals that eat plants as the main staple of their diet. Panda bears are herbivores as they only eat specific bamboo plants (and they eat a lot of them - because they are not nutritious at all)!!! Humans are omnivores - when eating a hamburger that contains beef and flour!! Bears are omnivores - they eat fish and berries. Carnivores are only meat eaters - animals that eat meat are the main staple of their diet. Wolves are carnivores.

What is a carnivores diet?

Carnivores only eat meat

Are sharks omnivores or carnivores?

Carnivores, they only eat other fish and seals in the ocean.