The unique features of a camel's humps help it survive in the desert by storing fat for energy, allowing it to go long periods without water, and regulating its body temperature.
Camels have two humps to store fat, not water. The fat provides energy when food is scarce in the desert. This helps camels survive long periods without eating, making them well-adapted to their harsh environment.
Camels have humps on their backs to store fat, not water as commonly believed. The fat can be converted into energy when food is scarce, helping camels survive in their desert environment where food and water are not always readily available.
Camels have humps to store fat, not water. The fat provides energy when food is scarce in the desert. The humps also help regulate body temperature and allow camels to go long periods without water.
Yes, camels have humps. The humps store fat, not water, which provides energy when food is scarce in their desert habitat. This helps camels survive long periods without food.
Camels have two humps to store fat, which provides them with energy when food and water are scarce in their desert environment.
They have special features to adapt to its environment.
As camels live in the desert, they need a lot of water to survive. Camels have insulated bodies so as to store water and survive the hot weather in the desert
camels are found in the desert and have adaptations to survive droughts.
Mice, camels, snakes, birds, and lizards.
This is because The Camel is an animal which is highly adapted for living in the desert. It has special features such as broad feet, humps which store fat, long eyelashes, e.t.c. which help it to survive in the desert and also makes travelling in the desert easier. The Camel can Survive without water from one week to one month. Camels can carry alot of heavy loads making it easier for transportation. People can also drink the milk of a camel and eat the meat, which tastes like beef. This is why people ride on camels in the desert.
Camels have humps so that when in a desert they store water in their hump, allowing them to survive the heat. Many other animal calls have been adapted to fit their environment.
Camels are called a ship of the desert because of their ability to survive in the desert climate and also the speed they have when walking. A row of camels crossing the Sahara Desert, carrying trading goods, supplies, etc. is known as a caravan.
Yes, camels have humps. The humps store fat, not water, which provides energy when food is scarce in their desert habitat. This helps camels survive long periods without food.
The more fat you have the longer you can survive without food. This fat store is essential in the camels' dry desert environment where food is scarce.
the camels can stay without water for days or months and the camels have double lashes to protect its self from the dust
Hump is to store water and food. camels can survive on desert relying on energy being converted from water and food.