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the stem cells of the stratum basale are in constant state of mitosis, replacing cells that have rubbed off the epidermal surface. as they are produced by stem cells, new keratinocytes push previously formed cells toward the surface.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Outer most cells of epidermis are removed by day to day friction and scrubbing done during bath we take. They are replaced by strata of cells underneath. So we have cells getting divided from basal layer (Stratum germinatum.) and progressively comes upwards, to form outer most layer of skin.

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13y ago

Below the epidermis of the skin is a layer of constantly dividing cells that will push up to the surface and replace the old and dead cells. This process takes about 2 to 4 weeks

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Q: How are cells replaced in the epidermis?
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What does the cells of the epidermis constantly doing?

Being replaced.

What stratum is absent from most epidermis?

The epidermis is the top layer of the skin. It is absent of nerves and blood vessels, therefore the epidermis is dead. The dead skins cells are constantly being replaced by new cells made in the dermis.

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The epidermis consists of stratified squamous epithelium cells. These cells in the epidermis are dead cells surrounded by the protein keratin.

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The most abundant cells in the epidermis are keratinocytes.

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The epidermis is made up of dead skin cells. The cells are constantly falling off of the body, but are replaced by new cells that were earlier created in the dermis.

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nonliving is epidermis teeth and hair. all cells are non living when they die and are replaced

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The epidermis contains skin cells.

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Cells in the lower layers of the epidermis divide continually, producing new cells that constantly push through the layers of the epidermis. By the time those cells reach the outer layer of the epidermis, they are dead and ready to slough off.

What is syncytial epidermis?

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How do the dead cells of the epidermis helps the body?

When These cells Die, They Become Part Of The Surface Layer Of The Epidermis.

How do the dead cells of the epidermis help the body?

When These cells Die, They Become Part Of The Surface Layer Of The Epidermis.