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Fats and proteins are first broken down, like polysaccharides, into smaller molecules. They then must be modified accordingly before slipping into a step of glycolysis, the transition stage, or the citric acid cycle (if it is a protein).

Fats must first be digested into smaller molecules; namely glycerol and fatty acids. The glycerol is converted into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, an intermediary of glycolysis, and added right before the energy payoff phase (where NADH and ATP are beginning to be produced).

Fatty acids, where most of the energy from fats are stored, are broken down into two-carbon fragments by a metabolic sequence called beta oxidation. These two-carbon chunks are then added into the citric acid cycle as acetyl Coenzyme A (or acetyl CoA). Interestingly enough, NADH and FADH2 are also generated during beta oxidation and are useable by the electron transport chain to make even more ATP, so the two-carbon chunks are making ATP even before they enter the cycle!

Fats are excellent long term energy storages due to their chemical structures and comparatively higher energy levels of electrons (compared to carbohydrates). They are chock full of energy - a single gram of fat oxidized by cellular respiration will produce more than twice as much ATP as a gram of carbohydrate. It's not necessarily good news for us - that means an individual must work harder to lose a gram of fat rather than carbohydrate because there are so many more calories in each gram.

Proteins on the other hand must be digested into their monomers, amino acids. When the amino acids are present in excess (amino acids are also used to make new proteins), they may be converted by enzymes into intermediates for cellular respiration. Before they can enter, they must have their amino groups removed through a process called deamination. The nitrogenous leftovers are excreted by the organism in the form of ammonia, urea, or other waste products. The once-amino acids are now able to enter glycolysis, the transition stage, or the citric acid cycle.

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1mo ago

Fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol through beta-oxidation, and proteins are broken down into amino acids by proteases. These molecules are further processed in the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain to produce ATP, which is the main energy currency of the cell.

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12y ago

they are used by the use of the Krebs system which makes them a transport carrier of the cell and burns to release energy.

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13y ago

They 'feed' -CH2-'s continuously into the Kreb's Citric Acid Cycle. In eukaryotes this "transpires" within the confines of Mitochondrion.

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Q: How are fats and proteins broken down in cellular respiration?
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What is broken down into CO2 and H2O during cellular respiration?

Glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) during cellular respiration to release energy. This process occurs in the mitochondria of cells to produce ATP, the cell's main energy source.

Cellular respiration often begins with glucose which is broken down during what?

Cellular respiration often begins with glycolysis, where glucose is broken down into pyruvate. This process occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell and generates a small amount of ATP.

What process breaks down glucose before cellular respiration?

Glucose is broken down IN cellular respiration, also called the Kreb cycle. Glucose enters this electron transport chain process intact, and is broken down to CO2 and water, while giving off chemical energy which is stored in the form of ATP molecules for the cell to use for chemical energy in metabolic processes. Glucose is not broken down before cellular respiration; it is broken down IN the process.

Carbon skeletons to be broken down during cellular respiration can be obtained from?

Carbon skeletons for cellular respiration can be obtained from glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids. These molecules are broken down in different metabolic pathways to generate energy in the form of ATP.

What is the entry point of proteins into cellular respiration?

Proteins enter cellular respiration by being broken down into amino acids through the process of protein digestion. These amino acids can then be converted into intermediates in glycolysis or the citric acid cycle to be used as fuel for generating ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.

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What type of organic compounds are broken down in cellular respiration?

carbohydrates, fats and proteins

What organic molecules that can be broken down during cellular respiration can be obtained from?

polysaccharides, proteins and lipids

Type of compounds broken down during cellular respiration?

During cellular respiration, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are broken down to produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This process involves a series of biochemical reactions that occur in the presence of oxygen.

Do protein make energy molecules?

They can. In cellular respiration proteins may be broken down and modified to enter as part of the citric acid (Krebs) cycle.

Is food broken down associated with cellular respiration?

i really have no idea

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What is the process called when glucose is combined with oxygen and is broken down?

Cellular respiration.

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cellular respiration

What is the process in which sugar molecules are broken down release energy?

cellular respiration

What does cellular respiration break down in order to release energy?

glucose is broken down in glycolysis during respiration to release energy

What is broken down into CO2 and H2O during cellular respiration?

Glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) during cellular respiration to release energy. This process occurs in the mitochondria of cells to produce ATP, the cell's main energy source.

What chemical is broken down by respiration?

The chemical broken down by respiration is glucose. During the process of respiration, glucose is converted into carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) through a series of biochemical reactions.