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Negative feedback occurs when the output of a system reacts to cancel out the effects of an input of a system, as opposed to positive feedback (in which the actions/output is intensified or increased). The more negative, the more stable. Thus, with things being canceled out, the body maintains homeostasis.

An example of negative feedback in action is the maintenance of blood glucose levels and body temperature. With input of sugar, insulin is released to stabilize the body (on the other hand, without insulin, Diabetes can be diagnosed). With a raise in body temperature, blood vessels and pores are opened to release heat.

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1mo ago

Negative feedback mechanisms work to bring the body back to its set point by counteracting any deviations from that point. Positive feedback mechanisms amplify a response, usually to bring the body to a new set point. Both types of feedback are essential in maintaining homeostasis by regulating various physiological processes.

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14y ago

In positive feedback a change in the homeostatic condition is detected by receptors and the information is transmitted to the control centre. The control centre activates effectors which generate a responce which increases the stimulus further reinforcing the initial change. Therefore, positive feedback acts to reinforce or strengthen the stimulus or charge.

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13y ago

Negative feedback is a means to keep amplifiers and systems in a linear region, Positive feedback is a means to force a circuit to become unstable. usually oscillators have either positive phase or level feedback to make them unstable to oscillate.

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11y ago

Negative feedback regulates homeostasis by inhibiting the production of hormones, etc. when they are in excess. Positive feedback regulates homeostatis by increasing the production of hormones, etc. when they are in deficiency.

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8y ago

Negative feedback is a process in which a system is turned off by the condition it produces.

The endocrine system often uses negative feedback to maintain homeostasis.Through negative feedback, when the amount of a particular hormone in the blood reaches a certain level, the endocrine system sends signals that stop the release of that hormone.

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14y ago

a negative feedback system and the positcive ffed back system and homoeostasis all have the ame gene and chrimosomes

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Q: How are negative and positive feedback involved in homeostatic regulation?
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What is homeostatic regulation?

Homeostatic regulation is the process by which an organism maintains internal stability or balance in response to external changes. It involves various mechanisms that work together to regulate factors such as body temperature, blood sugar levels, and pH within a narrow range for optimal functioning. The goal of homeostatic regulation is to keep the internal environment of the body within a set range to ensure the body's cells can function properly.

What mechanisms are involved in homeostatic mechanisms?

Homeostatic mechanisms involve processes such as negative feedback loops, which help regulate variables like temperature, blood pressure, and pH. These mechanisms may also include communication between organs and systems in the body, as well as the release of hormones to maintain internal balance.

Homeostatic mechanisms are said to act by negative feedback because changes away from the normal state?

are detected and trigger responses that counteract those changes, bringing the system back towards the normal state. This creates a feedback loop that helps maintain stability and equilibrium within the body.

Are positive feedback and negative feedback both components of homeostasis?

Yes, both positive and negative feedback are components of homeostasis. Negative feedback helps to maintain a stable internal environment by reversing any deviations from a set point, while positive feedback amplifies the response to a stimulus, often to achieve a specific outcome in the body. Both types of feedback work together to regulate physiological processes and maintain balance within the body.

Parathyroid glands is a negative or positive feed back?

The parathyroid glands are involved in negative feedback regulation of blood calcium levels. When blood calcium levels are low, the parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone (PTH) to increase calcium levels by stimulating calcium release from bones, absorption from the intestines, and reabsorption from the kidneys. Once calcium levels are restored, the release of PTH is inhibited, demonstrating negative feedback control.

Related questions

What is the Primary mechanism of homeostatic regulation?

The body's primary mechanism of homeostatic regulation is negative feedback. This mechanism recognizes the problem, identifies the correction, and changes the variable.

What is the body's primary mechanism of homeostatic regulation?

The body's primary mechanism of homeostatic regulation is negative feedback. This mechanism recognizes the problem, identifies the correction, and changes the variable.

What are two examples of homeostatic variables controlled by negative feedback?

Two examples of homeostatic variables controlled by negative feedback are body temperature regulation and blood glucose levels. In both cases, the body responds to deviations from the set point by initiating processes that work to bring the variable back within the normal range.

Why is negative feedback valuable in metabolic processes?

Negative feedback loops primarily focus on maintaining the body's homeostatic functions.

What is the effect of a negative feedback mechanism?

A negative feedback system is what occurs most commonly in your body systems. These keep everything in a homeostatic state.

Definition of negative feedback and positive feedback?

A: Any feedback that contributes to the input is positive feedback any feedback that subtract from the input is negative feedback

What is homeostatic regulation?

Homeostatic regulation is the process by which an organism maintains internal stability or balance in response to external changes. It involves various mechanisms that work together to regulate factors such as body temperature, blood sugar levels, and pH within a narrow range for optimal functioning. The goal of homeostatic regulation is to keep the internal environment of the body within a set range to ensure the body's cells can function properly.

What are four conditions in the cell that must be kept in the homeostatic balance?

- temperature - negative feedback loop - positive feedback loop - water balance

What mechanisms are involved in homeostatic mechanisms?

Homeostatic mechanisms involve processes such as negative feedback loops, which help regulate variables like temperature, blood pressure, and pH. These mechanisms may also include communication between organs and systems in the body, as well as the release of hormones to maintain internal balance.

Mechanism that allows the body to change an internal condition back to normal?

Homeostatic mechanisms return the body to its normal state. Most of these are controlled by negative feedback.

Does the enzyme that undergo negative feedback have any other function than to be regulated by its product?

Yes, enzymes that undergo negative feedback regulation typically have other important functions in the cell or organism. These enzymes are often involved in key metabolic pathways and play critical roles in maintaining cellular homeostasis and carrying out essential biological processes. The negative feedback regulation helps control the rate of these enzymatic reactions to ensure optimal function.

How is thyroxine involved in negative feedback?
