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When I link sunlight and reproduction ( I'm only in 6th grade, so don't rely on my answer) I usually think of weeds and plants. They need sunlight to grow. If you give enough sunlight, tey will eventually spread to any given area. That's all I know

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Q: How are sunlight and reproduction linked?
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How are sunlight and plant reproduction linked?

Sunlight gives energy to plants. Every living thing on Earth needs energy to reproduce. So there's your answer.

How is sunlight and plant reproduction linked?

Through the process of photosynthesis, plants use solar energy to convert substances like carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen. These are needed by plants so they reproduce and grow.

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Disabilities or disorders that are linked to reproduction or sex For more info GOOGLE IT!

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Disabilities or disorders that are linked to reproduction or sex For more info Google IT!

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Over- nourished . Viruses depend on a healthy cell for reproduction.

How does sunlight affect plant reproduction?

It is well known that photoperiodism is largely responsible for flowering. The initiation of reproductive phase is a light dependent phenomenon in majority of plants.

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How does reproduction help in providing stability to populations of species?

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What is a flower reproduction?

A reproduction of flower can be sexually or tonguellysex this kind of sex is for animals only. tonguellysex is when a plant's tongue/petal stick together with another one. sexually is a kind of reproduction which is used by humans but there is for plant's too. You see plants have very tiny penis for male and vagina for female which can fit to each others body. Another kind of reproduction is Photosynthesis. Photo/synthesis phto means sunlight and synthesis means air/water now photosynthesis consist of Co2 from humans, water and nutrients form soil and sunlight. which will cause sugar/oxygen. Photosynthesis is done by putting pollens on a flower's ovary. ========================================================== For more information visit or or ==========================================================

How is a flower adapted for sexual reproduction?

A reproduction of flower can be sexually or tonguellysex this kind of sex is for animals only. tonguellysex is when a plant's tongue/petal stick together with another one. sexually is a kind of reproduction which is used by humans but there is for plant's too. You see plants have very tiny penis for male and vagina for female which can fit to each others body. Another kind of reproduction is Photosynthesis. Photo/synthesis phto means sunlight and synthesis means air/water now photosynthesis consist of Co2 from humans, water and nutrients form soil and sunlight. which will cause sugar/oxygen. Photosynthesis is done by putting pollens on a flower's ovary. ========================================================== For more information visit or or ==========================================================