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For an endosperm to be formed one sperm nucleus has to fertilize the egg. The egg is fertilized to form a zygote while the other sperm nucleus fuses with the two polar nuclei at the center of the embryo sac to form the primary endosperm cell.

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10y ago

Endosperm is the tissue formed inside a seeds of most flowery plants. This happens during fertilization. This leads the endosperm to be a rich source of starch and support for the growing seed.

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12y ago

Seeds have 3 main parts- the young embryo plant, called the germ in wheat, the endosperm, which provides nutrition to the growing embryo, and the seed coat, which provides a protective covering for the seed. Some plants have a double seed coat consisting of two layers. A scar, or hilum can be seen on the surface of the seed coats of many seeds. The hilhum marks the place where the seed was attached to the ovary wall during its development.

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Q: How are the embryo and the endosperm formed in a plant?
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Related questions

What feeds the plant embryo?

the endosperm in monocot plants and endosperm and cotyledons in dicot plants.

What plant part fom the seed?

The seed is formed in the fruit from ovule. A fertilized ovule develops the embryo and endosperm. Most of the endosperm is used up by the developing embryo in dicot seeds. In monocot seeds large amount of endosperm is retained to support the germinating embryo. When someone plants a seed in the ground an entire plant grows from it over time.

What are the three parts of a seed and what is the purpose of each part?

Seed coat, micropyle, endosperm and embryo are major parts of a seed. The seed coat protects, micropyle allows water to move in, endosperm nourishes the embryo and on germination a new plant emerges from the embryo.

What part provides food for the seedlings?

Cotyledones in dicot and endosperm in monocots

What store for the baby plant?

The endosperm. It is a food storing tissue located outside the embryo.

Where does the endosperm come from in a plant and what is its purpose?

the endosperm is in the gymnosperm 'naked seeds' and the angiosperm flowering plants. in gymno - haploid (n) gives nutrients to the embryo the only difference with the angiosperm is that its not haploid (n) but triploid (3n)

What are three parts of a seed?

Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous seeds have the following basic structures in common:The Seed coat or testa, protects the embryo against mechanical and chemical damage as well as dessication.The Cotyledon (or cotyledons), provides the food supply for the germinating embryo. The cotyledon(s) eventually develop into the primary leaves on germination of the seed.And the Embryo (or zygote), is the the diploid plant waiting to germinate.

How does the embryo get food for germination?

The seed embryo is nourished by stored starch in the plant.

Why can the embryo survive inside the seed for a long time?

The plant embryo can suvive inside the ssed because it derives its food from the endosperm and cotyledon.

What provides nourishment for the plant embryo?

The endosperm does. It acts much like yolk in an egg does for the embryo developing in the egg: provides the necessary nutrients for the developing embryo to grow from.

What is cotylendon?

Cotylendon is a inside a baby plant. It helps feed its embryo, and endosperm. It is when the baby plant slits open to let out the roots.

Why does a seed need to have endosperm in it?

because they are the first relevant in plants