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During anaerobic respiration, you get lactic acid in your body. Lactic acid being acid it decreases the pH of your body. After biological oxidation of glucose you get carbon bi oxide. This after dissolution gives you acid in your body.

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Q: How can glucose affect the pH of the body fluids?
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There is no "body pH." Different fluids of the body have different pH.

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ph-indicator strips (colorpHast)

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The processes and activities that help to maintain homeostasis are referred to as homeostatic mechanisms. for example regulation of blood pressure, regulation of pH in the body fluids and regulation of blood glucose levels.

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Because that is what is needed for maintaining homeostasis in the body. Our blood is slightly alkaline in order to do its job properly. If the blood were more acidic, with a lower pH level, we would be prone to more diseases.

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The Ph in your body would not change

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They help balance the pH levels of fluids in your body, if that is what you mean. Potassium especially, I think.

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Kidneys and lungs

The maintenance of the proper pH of the body fluids may be the result of?

the control of respiratory ventilation

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Basically, it's because the fluids you take in all have different pH's. Naturally, this will change the pH values of your body. This is, obviously, not healthy for your body, so cells buffer the acidic or basic fluids you take in in order to keep you healthy.