

How can microbes be seen?

Updated: 6/18/2024
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12y ago

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Microbiologists and pathologists are two of the many types of scientists who study microorganisms and are able to see and recognize the differences in physical appearance between the structures of the varying types of microbes when looking at them under a microscope. They can also be differentiated by their RNA (nucleic acids) using lab tests.

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15y ago
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1mo ago

Microbes can be seen under a microscope. Microscopes can magnify the size of the microbes, making them visible to the human eye. Specialized staining techniques can also be used to help visualize different types of microbes more clearly.

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14y ago

Micro organisms, as the name suggests, cannot be seen with the naked eyes. Therefore the only way to identify it, is with the use of microscopes. However, there are some exceptions. Fungus is also comes under the category of micro organisms. But it can be seen as moulds when bread expires. It is because fungus spores tend to be together creating balls, ie, moulds.

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9y ago

Observing the microbes under a microscope can provide some difference in physical appearance. Using cultures to grow microbes can also show unique traits.

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15y ago

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology is a reference that is used in bacterial identification. It lists characteristics of all known, identifiable bacteria.

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12y ago

By gram stain and other differential stains

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14y ago

you see microbes witha microscpe

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12y ago

Microbes can be seen with a microscope.

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What is biochemical basis for the spectrum of fastidiousness seen in microbial world?

The spectrum of fastidiousness seen in the microbial world is due to variations in the nutritional requirements of different microbes. Fastidious microbes have complex nutritional needs, often requiring specific growth factors or nutrient conditions that are not present in simple media. This can be attributed to their metabolic pathways and enzymatic capabilities, which influence their ability to utilize available nutrients for growth and survival.

What are the names Living thing that can only be seen by microscope?

Examples of living things that can only be seen with a microscope include bacteria, archaea, certain types of fungi, and protists like amoebas and paramecia. These organisms are known as microorganisms or microbes.

What can microbes do?

Microbes can play important roles in various ecosystems by recycling nutrients, breaking down organic matter, and supporting plant growth. Some microbes can also cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants. Moreover, microbes are used in various biotechnological applications, such as producing antibiotics, enzymes, and fermented foods.

What are the different classes of microbes?

Microbes can be classified into six main groups: bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, algae, and archaea. Each group has distinct characteristics and includes various species that play important roles in ecosystems and human health.

What is symbiotic microbes?

Symbiotic microbes are microorganisms that live in close association with a host organism, where both parties benefit from the relationship. The host provides the microbes with a suitable environment, and in return, the microbes help the host with various functions like digestion, nutrient absorption, or protection against pathogens. Examples of symbiotic microbes include the bacteria in our gut that aid in digestion.

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What is the definition of microbes?

microbes mean small microscopic organisms. Example: I have never seen microbes kill each other!

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microbes, microorganisms, microscopic organisms...think MICRO-scope and MICRObes, MICROorganisms...

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a unicellular microbe is a microorganism which can only be seen with a microscope

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What are the names Living thing that can only be seen with a microope?

Living things that can only be seen with the help of microscope are called "MICROBES" or "MICRO-ORGANISMS".

Are microbes insects?

No, microbes are not insects. The term microbe means microscopically small species of life. Insects can be extremely small, but even the smallest is not quite microscopic. That is to say, they can be seen with the unaided eye. Microbes involve several types of creatures, mostly bacteria and protozoa.

Can we see microbes through laser light?

You don't need laser light. Normal light will do, for many microbes. You DO need a microscope, since they are way too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Where do they sell Giant Microbes plush dolls in Vancouver?

Have seen them at Science World by the Main Street Skytrain station

Are microbes visible to the naked eye?

No, most microbes are too small to be visible to the naked eye. They are usually microscopic in size and can only be seen with the help of a microscope.

What does microbes look like?

Microbes are microscopic organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They can have various shapes, including spherical, rod-shaped, and spiral. Some may appear single-celled, while others form clusters or chains. Microbes can also have different colors and sizes depending on the type of organism.

Where can't microbes live?

microbes can live anywhere!