

How do animals respond to stimuli?

Updated: 6/8/2024
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11y ago

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Tigers have very less info on Life Processes, I myself am doing a project on them. I also had to answer a question that had to do with response and stumuli. During the day time or midday when it is hot tigers tend to be lazy and sleep. During this time is also when they groom. Though when it becomes evening or sunset when it is cooler tigers go to hunt for food. The stimulus is change in light and tigers respond by doing a different activity, in this case hunting.

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15y ago
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1mo ago

Animals respond to stimuli through their sensory organs, which detect changes in their environment. This information is then processed by the nervous system, leading to a behavioral response. This response can vary depending on the type of stimulus and the species of animal.

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10y ago

An animal's response to a stimulus is coordinated by its central nervous system (CNS). A simple reflex is an involuntary response to a stimulus. Humans use reflex actions in only some of their behaviour, for example controlling the eye's pupil size.

Responding to a stimulus

A stimulus is a change in the environment of an organism.

Animals respond to a stimulus in order to keep themselves in favourable conditions.

Examples of this include:

Moving to somewhere warmer if they are too cold

Moving towards food if they are hungry

Moving away from danger to protect themselves

Eyes respond to stimuli

Animals that do not respond to a stimulus do not survive for long.

Receptors respond to a stimulus and send impulses along sensory neurons to the CNS.

Some receptors are found in the skin. Other receptors can form part of complex organs, such as:

Light receptor cells in the retina of the eye

Hormone-secreting cells in a gland

Muscle cells

Position receptors in the inner ear

Sound receptors in the ear

Touch, pressure, temperature and pain receptors in skin

Chemical receptors in the nose and tongue

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8y ago

A lion's response to a stimulus is conditioned on the stimulus (thing affecting the lion). For example, if a lion is jabbed with something sharp, the lion will about-face and threaten whatever is holding the sharp implement. If the lion smells meat, it will approach and eat the meat.

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11y ago

they respond by watching their surroundings and different animals respond differently so it depends on the animals

example, people, they respond by talking

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12y ago

Elephanst communitcate through their trunki makeina loud trumpeting noise!

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14y ago

Elephants respond to stimulus by when they have a fly on their face the swat it with their ears.

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12y ago

Mammals grow like us humans. They give birth to young ones directly unlike some other vertebrates. They feed their own milk to young ones.

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8y ago

one of the lions responsive to stimuli is their golden fur, it helps them blend into their surroundings on the plains

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It respond to stimuli, by its own life.