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Cilia and flagella are made up of microtubules.Both have same structure.In eukariyotes they have 9+2 structure.

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Q: How do cilia and flagella use the cytoskeletal components?
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What do bacteria use for locomotion?

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What structures are used for motility in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

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What three types of cells might have cilia or flagella?

protists. most likely consumers. they use flagella, cilia, and pseudopodia ( they are a mode of movement)

These are singular relatively long whiplike organelles that many unicellular organisms use for motion?

Cilia and flagella.

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Animals cells use cilia and flagella for movement.

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What do flagella's do?

the long strands that move the cell and clean it the cilia is like this except they are shorter. NIBF: sometimes bacteria can use flagella to stick to surfaces, but when thinking about flagella in a broad sense, it is use for movement

What does flagella?

the long strands that move the cell and clean it the cilia is like this except they are shorter. NIBF: sometimes bacteria can use flagella to stick to surfaces, but when thinking about flagella in a broad sense, it is use for movement

What does flagella do?

the long strands that move the cell and clean it the cilia is like this except they are shorter. NIBF: sometimes bacteria can use flagella to stick to surfaces, but when thinking about flagella in a broad sense, it is use for movement

What 3 things do single celled organisms use to move around?

They have Flagellum attached to the back of them that propel them. Think of sperm cells: that little tail at the end in a flagellum.

Along hairlike structure used for movement?

In reference to cells, the answer is cilia.

What organelles are small hairlike structures used for movement or sensing things?

There are two types or hairlike structures that microorganisms use for movement. They are cilia (singular: cilium) and flagella (singular: flagellum). Usually microorganisms have cilia (more than one cilium) and flagellum (usually only one).