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The male cones are located below the female cones on a tree. Also, the timing of cone production varies among trees to ensure that one tree will be producing male cones while another tree produces female cones. This is a form of temporal regulation.

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they wear flower condoms

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Q: How do conifers prevent self fertilization?
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Why is the stigma a different height than the anthers?

The anthers and stigma occur at different heights to prevent self fertilization and to encourage cross fertilization.

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Why do conifers produce more pollen than grains used to fertilize conifer eggs?

Because conifers are pollinated by wind hence to ensure fertilization of each egg clouds of pollen grains are formed.

How would a plant reproduce by self fertilization?

well by pollens truth/ When both male & female gametes are compatible to mate, self-pollination results in self fertilization.

How many months a year do most conifers have leaves?

they normally keep their leaves all year long due to the constant fertilization and moisture in the tree roots and the leaves

Are there any birth control pills iuds shots that prevent fertilization not implantation?

Hormonal forms of birth control (the Pill, Depo-Provera shots, the Nuva ring, the Patch) prevent eggs from being released, and therefore prevent fertilization from occurring. Condoms (male and female) also prevent fertilization from occurring if they are used properly. The IUD prevents implanation after fertilization by a process not fully understood.

Why do plant species need to promote cross fertilization rather self fertilization?

Becuase when they self fertilize they cannot get the proper amount of sunlight, but when they dont self fertilize they can get the proper amount of sunlight

What is the disadvantage of self-fertilization of flowers?

A limit to the possibilities for diversity is the disadvantage of self fertilization of flowers. Self fertilization draws upon the particular flower's gene base and nothing else or more. It's with other forms of fertilization such as cross and manual pollination whereby other characteristics such as color and disease resistance may be introduced.

Why do plant species need to promote cross-fertilization rather than self-fertilizationWhy do plant species need to promote cross-fertilization rather than self-fertilization?

Cross fertilization leads to genetic variability which helps in the process of better adaptability and evolution

What is the difference between self fertilization and cross fertilization?

welll because one is a producation but the other one isn't and the growth and how it grow at the botom of all top so it is werid Self-fertilization and cross-fertilization are the same as asexual and sexual reproduction. Self-fertilization uses itself to fertilize, which cross-fertilization takes from another plant to make a new generation of the plant.

What is the meaning of self-fertilization?

The fertilization of a flower by pollen from the same flower and without outer aid; autogamy.

How can there not be self-fertilization of flowers?

There are plants that are self-fertile among them some fruit trees.