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Fungi reproduce sexually and asexually. The types of asexual reproduction are budding, fission, fragmentation, and sporulation.

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Q: How do fungi reproduce Give examples of each type of reproduction?
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Can you give me a sentence using the word asexual reproduction?

Most plants reproduce asexually.

Examples of harmful fungi?

Pathogenic Fungi are fungi that cause disease in humans or other organisms. i.e. Candida, Aspergillus and Cryptococcus.

Reproduction in bryophyllum takes place in?

Bryophllum can vegetative reproduce,Each of its leaf have small buds which when shade off in soil,germinate to give a new plant.

Decomposers- give you 10 examples of animals?

Decomposers are important because they nourish the soil for producers. Examples of decomposers include, fungi, bacteria, mushrooms, flies, mold, maggots, worms, cockroaches, slugs, and yeast,

How does fungi diseases reproduce?

This is a very broad topic, and I will try to give a general overview. There are two main types of reproduction: sexual and asexual. Many fungi reproduce both ways, and fungal taxonomy is based in part on reproduction. Since there are fungal pathogens in all the major groups, I'll just cover them taxonomically. Basidiomycotina (subphylum of Dikaryomycota)--Sexual reproduction takes place when two compatible hyphae meet. Plasmogamy (fusion of the cells) occurs but karyogamy (fusion of the nuclei) does not, resulting in a new individual with cells containing two haploid nuclei. When conditions are right, a basidiocarp is formed. The most well known basidiocarps are the mushrooms, but there are others. In a special layer of cells called the hymenium, karyogamy finally occurs. This is followed by meiosis, which gives rise to haploid spores. These spores are then allowed to disperse by wind, animals, water, etc. Ascomycotina--Sexual reproduction occurs in a similar manner. The main differences are the way to spores are produced and dispersed. Many individuals of Ascomycotina do not both with sexual reproduction and rely exclusively on asexual reproduction. When conditions are right, the mycelium will give rise to sporangiophores. These are specialized hyphae that will generate and help disperse the conidia, or asexual spores. Conidia are produced rapidly and in high numbers. Many are dispersed by the wind, which allows them to get everywhere. Glomeromycota/Zygomycota--These are mainly opportunistic pathogens. They reproduce asexually in a similar manner to Ascomycotina. When conditions are right for sex, two hyphae will undergo plasmogamy and karyogamy. This gives rise to a resistant structure containing a zygospore. It will germinate and give rise to a sporangiophore and spores that can be dispersed by the wind. Chytridiomycota/Blastocladiomycota/Neocallimastigomycota--These groups mainly reproduce asexually. Their sporangia release flagellated zoospores, which swim to a new substrate. There is some sexual reproduction, but the diversity of ways they do it is too much to be briefly covered.

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Can you give me a sentence using the word asexual reproduction?

Most plants reproduce asexually.

Can you give some examples of good and bad fungi?

No i cant answer it

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All single celled organisms reproduce by mitosis, ie. bacteria.

Examples of harmful fungi?

Pathogenic Fungi are fungi that cause disease in humans or other organisms. i.e. Candida, Aspergillus and Cryptococcus.

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Reproduction in bryophyllum takes place in?

Bryophllum can vegetative reproduce,Each of its leaf have small buds which when shade off in soil,germinate to give a new plant.