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During asexual reproduction, a single parent passes copies of all of its genes to each of its offspring. The individual reproduced is the parent cell's clone, an organism that is GENETICALLY IDENTICAL to its parent.

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Asexual reproductions means cloning. An organism clones itself when it divides to two, or produces and offspring from itself. That's why all the traits of the parent move straight to the offspring.

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Q: How do offspring inherit traits in asexual reproduction?
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What will the young inherit from asexual reproduction?

Traits and Characteristics.

What are the passing of traits from parent to offspring?

Genes passing by sexual or asexual reproduction.

There is no mixing of traits in asexual reproduction so the offspring of this type is called?


Would you get a variety of offspring traits during asexual or sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction promotes variation.

How do sexual and asexual reproduction relate to genetic variability and population growth?

Asexual reproduction makes offspring that are identical to the parent(s). Sexual reproduction takes 1/2 of the traits from one parent and the other half from the other. Sexual reproduction causes variance because of the interaction of dominant and recessive traits and some cases blended traits.

Characteristics offspring inherit from there parents?

genes that we get from our parents that are passed down to the offspring.

Why does an offspring resulting from asexual reproduction have traits that are identical to its parents?

Asexual Reproduction is the process of reproduction in Bacterias and some Prokaryotes. This is actually the process of mitosis which is a cell replication process that identically replicates the DNA material found in the cytoplasm (a.k.a. cytosol.) Given that, asexual reproduction produces genetically identical DNA materials (which hold that genes that are responsible for trait expression)

Can plants inherit characteristics?

yes, as long a sexual reproduction takes place. genetic traits from each parent plant are carried over to the offspring

Which type of reproduction sexual or asexual results in offspring with greater gentic variation?

Sexual reproduction results in a greater variety of inherited traits because it combines genes from two different individuals. Asexual reproduction is simply a copy of an organism's genetic material so that it is a 100% match. Sexual reproduction combines different gene pools as well to create more diversity.

Differtiat sexual reproduction to asexual reproduction?

Firstly, sexual reproduction requires the fusion of male and female gametes, in a process known as fertilisation, while on the other hand, asexual reproduction does not require the fusion of gametes. Secondly, sexual reproduction results in the offspring of the parents to have traits of both parents, due to the random fusion of gametes. While asexual reproduction results in the daughter organism being genetically similar to the mother.

What advantages does asexual reproduction have?

asexual reproduction ensures that there are very little changes, that way if an original specimen has favorable traits, then the traits will carry on to the replicate. Worms are good examples of these.

How does sexual reproduction affect evolution in comparison to asexual reproduction?

sexual reproduction gives traits of both parents to the child where as asexual reproduction is just a copy of the original with no change at all