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The oxygen molecule is inhaled (breathed in) through the left nostril or the mouth and then goes down the trachea (windpipe) and into the bronchioles and into the alveoli (both are parts of the lung). Then the blood meets up with the oxygen molecules and turns it into oxygenated blood. This blood is fed into the blood stream and go down the arteries, then capillaries, then into the muscle where they help it work. The blood is deoxygenated and then the blood goes to the heart to be pumped round the body again and the oxygen is taken up the same way it came down and is exhaled.

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We breathe oxygen into our lungs where it is picked up by red blood cells. These oxygenated red blood cells then travel back to the heart, and from there to the other parts of our body that need oxygen.

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What speed do oxygen molecules travel around the human body?

200000 miles an hour

Does anaemia make you weak?

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The two molecules that are in your body H2O(water) and oxygen (not sure what the sign is)

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the molecules that build up your body are: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen

Do oxygen molecules go to your toes?

Not only are oxygen molecules are transported to the toes (and other parts of the body), it is essential that they get there, as they are required by all the cells of the body. The oxygen molecules are carried in the blood by a protein called Haemoglobin that sits in the red blood cells. Each Haemoglobin contains four iron atoms, and each of these can coordinate an oxygen molecule. This process is easily reversible and the oxygen is released in the parts of the body where it is required.

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Iron ions in Haemoglobin (aka Hemoglobin) ensure the cell is capable of carrying Oxygen around the body.

What component of blood contains iron that binds with oxygen?

Red blood cells contain the substance haemoglobin, which is an iron-based molecule that binds to oxygen molecules for transport around the body.

How oxygen exit the body?

Oxygen atoms exit the dody within carbon dioxide molecules through the lungs.

What carrys oxygen to your body's cells?

The blood carries oxygen around your body and to the body's cells.

A mineral needed in the body that bonds chemically to oxygen molecules?

the mineral is IRON

What carries oxygen to your cell?

The blood carries oxygen around your body and to the body's cells.

How many oxygen molecules are there in the average human body at any one time?

there are approximatly 1120000000 oxygen molecules in one red blood cell with some figures i found i worked it out to be 30240000000000000000000 oxygen molecules, but please if you have a more accurate figure...add it! :D