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Sensory neurons carry impulses from the sense organs to the brain and the spinal cord .

Motor neurons carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to muscles or glands.

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Q: How do sensory neurons and motor neurons act in opposite ways?
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How do sensory receptors communicate the intensity of a stimulus to the CNS?

This can happen at least two different ways. First, it should be known that senses are not governed by single neurons, they have multiple neuronal receptors that can communicate individually or communicate with other neurons as well. In some cases, the level of intensity may cause only a few of the many nerve endings to fire an action potential (signal) to the brain. The more intense the sensation - generally the more neurons will fire and relate that intensity to the Central Nervous System (CNS). Another way is the repeated firing of the same neurons sending a constant signal (action potential) to the CNS and the more signals increase the magnitude of the sensation in the CNS. There are many other ways that stimulus intensity can be sensed by the CNS. You may want to look up signal transduction in neurons or similar questions aspects. An opposing (opposite) example would be how we are better able to see in the dark after spending more time there. It has nothing to do with our eyes "getting used" to the dark, but rather a buildup in the chemical gradient of the rods in your eye that is normally dissipated with light. The build-up of that chemical allows for better night vision as darkness continues, but a single flash of light can disrupt the system and force the entire process to begin again.

What are neurons are categorized by?

Neurons can be categorized in several ways:central v. peripheralsensory v. mototmyelinated v. non-myelinatedand there are probably other ways to categorize them as well

What are functions of facial bones?

Its motor function is to innervate the muscles of mastication (chewing). Its sensory functions conveys sensations (touch, pain, proprioception) for the muscles it supplies.

What are the supporting cells of the nervous system?

glial cells (sometimes called neuroglia).In the peripheral nervous system, Schwann cellsform a myellin sheath around axons, and in the central nervous system, Oligodendrocytes do the same thing for the neurons there; and Astrocytes (Astroglia) surround brain neurons to hold them in place, provide nutrients and oxygen to them, insulate neurons from one another, destroy pathogens and remove dead neurons, and possibly in some ways modulate neurotransmission.

What are two ways insects communicate with each other?

Insects don't necessarily hold conversations with each other but they do use a variety of ways to get their point across. Males and females will use pheromones to attract the opposite sex. Crickets will make noises to alert each other of their position.

Related questions

What regulates the body through impulses that come from the environment?

Sensory neurons provide information from the environment to the body. For example, when you touch a hot surface, a sensory neuron informs your body that the temperature near your skin is rising. Motor neurons are the neurons the body uses to react to the environment. For example, if you touch a hot surface, then your body will make your hand move away from that surface by a motor neuron. The action is the result of the motor neurons not the fact you realize it is hot, Motor neurons also send impulses to your muscles. These neurons are called somatic neurons. Another motor neuron is the autonomic neuron. This neuron control your organs and heart. Usually the Vegas nerve controls and divides this power in two ways: sympathetic and parasympathetic

In what ways are neurons similar to cell and different?

cells are the building blocks of life, neurons are specific cells that send and receive motor messages that tell us to do simple things like walk, or blink

Why is the mind so complex?

The mind is composed of neurons (nerve cells) in the brain. There are billions of neurons in a cubic inch of brain matter. These neurons can form connections with any number of other neurons in trillions of different ways. That is complex, so the mind is complex.

The two main ways in which neurons are able to react to stimuli are?

The two main ways in which neurons are able to react to stimuli are conduction impulses and communicating with each other. These stimuli can be touch, sound, light, taste, and smell.

What pathways do sensory signals take from the periphery to the highest levels?

by afferent and efferent path ways

Who emphasized that perceptual understanding comes from inborn ways of organizing sensory experience?

Immanuel Kant

Two rays that do not intersect?

•-------> •-------> or you can do them the opposite ways

How do rat brains work?

All animal brains, including human brains, work in essentially the same way. There are a whole lot of nerve cells, also called neurons, and any given neuron can either fire or not fire. If it fires, it sends a signal down all of its dendrites and axons. Neurons are connected to lots of other neurons in various complicated ways. They also have connections to other parts of the body. Neurons receive sensory information, and send out messages that control muscles. The signals that neurons receive determine whether they fire or not. Impulses can also pass or fail to pass from one neuron to another, across a small gap called a synapse, depending upon the amount of neurotransmitters in the synapse. Those are the variables. Together, they create a complex data processing system.

What is the opposite of decimal?

There is no opposite. Decimal is one of many ways of representing numbers. The other ways: binary, octal, hexadecimal etc are equivalent alternatives, not opposites.

How do sensory receptors communicate the intensity of a stimulus to the CNS?

This can happen at least two different ways. First, it should be known that senses are not governed by single neurons, they have multiple neuronal receptors that can communicate individually or communicate with other neurons as well. In some cases, the level of intensity may cause only a few of the many nerve endings to fire an action potential (signal) to the brain. The more intense the sensation - generally the more neurons will fire and relate that intensity to the Central Nervous System (CNS). Another way is the repeated firing of the same neurons sending a constant signal (action potential) to the CNS and the more signals increase the magnitude of the sensation in the CNS. There are many other ways that stimulus intensity can be sensed by the CNS. You may want to look up signal transduction in neurons or similar questions aspects. An opposing (opposite) example would be how we are better able to see in the dark after spending more time there. It has nothing to do with our eyes "getting used" to the dark, but rather a buildup in the chemical gradient of the rods in your eye that is normally dissipated with light. The build-up of that chemical allows for better night vision as darkness continues, but a single flash of light can disrupt the system and force the entire process to begin again.

Which neurons are foundonly within the brain and spinal cord?

Scientists have organized the cells that make up the nervous system into two broad groups: neurons, which are the primary signaling cells, and glia, which support neurons in various ways. The human brain contains around 100 billion neurons and, by most estimates, somewhere between 10 to 50 times as many glial cells. Bipolar ones are usually found outside the brain and interneurons are found within the brain.

How does neurological disorganization occur?

.occurs in three different ways: the brain does not receive messages due to a disconnection in the neuron cells; sensory messages are received inconsistently; or sensory messages are received consistently, but do not connect properly.