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Sympathetic nerve stimulate the pace maker. So that heart rate increases. Parasympathetic stimulation decreases the heart rate.

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Q: How do sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves affect a pacemaker?
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Does sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves supply voluntary skeletal muscles?

No. They do not supply voluntary skeletal muscles.

What controls the sweat glands?

Your sweat glands are controlled by autonomic nervous system. They get the nervous supply through the sympathetic nerves. But functionally they are parasympathetic nerves, because the acetylcholine is secreted over there at the terminal end.

Which nerves contain the most parasympathetic preganglionic fibers a trigeminal b splanchnic c optic d vagus?

D. vagus. this is the largest Cranial nerve, carrying parasympathetic information to much of the body (ie. esophagus, GI tract, heart). parasympathetic fibers, unlike sympathetic fibers, do not synapse until they are pretty much on in or near the organ. So the vagus is made up of preganglionic parasympathetics.trigeminal contains somatic afferents, and somatic efferents. neither of these are visceral efferents (which could be para or sympathetic).wikipedia tells you correctly that splanchnic nerves are generally sympathetic autonomics, except for one spot.optic nerve is carrying Afferent sensory information Away from the eye.

Explain the difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic reactions as they occur in the autonomic nervous system?

The sympathetic nervous system is most active when you are in an emergency, exercising, or an exciting or embarrassing situation. It is often referred to as the "fight-or-flight" system. It increases the heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels. It also dilates the bronchioles of the lungs, and dilates the blood vessels of the skeletal muscles. This nervous system enables the body to cope rapidly with situations. The parasympathetic nervous system is active when the body is resting. It is referred to as the "resting-and-digesting" system. It conserves your body's energy by slowing the heart rate. It also promotes digestion.sypmathetic is the "fight or flight" response and the parasympathetic is the "rest and digest" responses

Which cranial nerves innervate salivary glands?

Parasympathetic innervation to the salivary glands is carried via cranial nerves. The parotid gland receives its parasympathetic input from the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) via the otic ganglion, while the submandibular and sublingual glands receive their parasympathetic input from the facial nerve (CN VII) via the submandibular ganglion. These nerves release acetylcholine and substance P, which activate the IP3 and DAG pathways respectively.Direct sympathetic innervation of the salivary glands takes place via preganglionic nerves in the thoracic segments T1-T3 which synapse in the superior cervical ganglion with postganglionic neurons that release norepinephrine, which is then received by β-adrenergic receptors on the acinar and ductal cells of the salivary glands, leading to an increase in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels and the corresponding increase of saliva secretion. Note that in this regard both parasympathetic and sympathetic stimuli result in an increase in salivary gland secretions.[3] The sympathetic nervous system also affects salivary gland secretions indirectly by innervating the blood vessels that supply the glands.

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What are the comparatives action on the parasympathetic nerves and sympathetic nerves in circulatory system of the body?

The parasympathetic nerves secrete norepinepherine at the AV node (the pacemaker), which slows the heart and reduces stroke volume (the amount of blood the ventricles pump out with each cycle. Sympathetic nerves do the opposite; they secrete epinepherine at the AV node, which stimulates the heart to increase speed and stroke volume, so that more blood is pumped from the heart faster.

What is the antagonistic nerves to the parasympathetic nervous system?

i think that it is the sympathetic nervous system

Which finger's nerves connect to the heart?

The heart is innervated by parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers.

What is the role of nerves tissue in the small intestine?

You have local nerve plexus in case of small intestine. The small intestine is also supplied by nerves from parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic supply augments the peristalsis, secretion of enzymes. Sympathetic nerves inhibit the same. Together they work better.

Does sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves supply voluntary skeletal muscles?

No. They do not supply voluntary skeletal muscles.

The system of nerves that work automatically is called?

the Autonomic nervous system, split into the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.

The two major divisions of the human nervous system are?

The two major divisions of the human nervous system are the central nerves and the peripheral nerves.

Does the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves work in opposite directions to balance each other?

Yes. Together they work for betterment of the body.

What nervous system gets your body ready for action in an emergency by increasing adrenalin and slowing down digestion.?

sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

Why does the heart pumps when the person is scared?

We have sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. When we are fightened or scared, sympathetic nerves trigger impulse into the brain in order to release adrenaline. This adrenaline makes the heart beat faster because more oxygen is required. This helps us cope from stress.After a while parasympathetic nerves send impulse to reduce the release of adrenaline and the heart starts beating normally

What are the 3 main parts of the human heart?

The heart rate is controlled by the opposing actions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and by the action of epinephrine released from the adrenal gland. Norepinephrine, released by sympathetic nerves in the heart, and epinephrine, released by the adrenal gland, increase the heart rate, while acetylcholine, released from parasympathetic nerves, decreases