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The food we eat is broken down into individual, microscopic nutrient molecules which enter the cell.

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Q: How do the nutrients that enter your cells compare with the food you eat?
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What is the process that takes digested food through the small intestine wall?

Absorption is the process that takes nutrients through the small intestine wall. These nutrients then enter the circulatory system, which carries the nutrients to all body cells.

what part of the blood cells carry food nutrients and oxygen to all cells?

The blood plasma contains the red blood cells which carries the food nutrients and oxygen to all the cells.

How is digested food carried to your cells?

The digested food is in form of glucose which is broken down in mitochondria to release energy.

Do cells obtain from nutrients in food?

Yes, they do

Where do nutrients enter the body?

The mouth, you eat food with them in.

What plant cells carry food?

All plant cells contain some nutrients, however, the cells of the seed, fruit and root tend to be used for food storage. The nutrients are transported around the plant by phloem cells in the vasculature.

How do cells get energy to perform their necessary functions?

Cells get energy by taking in nutrients from food.

What cell is designed to filter nutrients from food?

Squarish cells

Where does food enter the blood vessesles?

usually nutrients enter the blood vessels through the small intestines

Explain how enery and nutrients enter move trough and exit a food chain in an ecosystem?

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How does the digested food reach the body cells?

Nutrients are carried by the blood.

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By osmosis