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The post central gyrus is the primary sensory area for the sense of touch. The pre central gyrus works with other motor areas to plan and execute movements.

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Q: How do the pre and post central gyrus work together to control behavior?
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Related questions

What is the function of the Pre Central gyrus?

The precentral gyrus is the posterior convolution of the frontal lobe. The function is to control voluntary muscle movements in the body.

What gyrus lies directly posterior to the precentral gyrus?

The post central gyrus lies directly posterior to the precentral gyrus. Both of these gyrus are located in the brain and are also almost parallel to one another.

What separates the precentral and postcentral gyrus?

the central sulcus!

What percent of the postcentral gyrus would be affected after a stroke?

Only have of the post central gyrus would be affected. Primary somatosensory cortex is another term used for post central gyrus it helps to receive sensory information.

What is mainly responsible for execution of voluntary movement?

the central nervous system handles all voluntary movement in the body:)

The portion of the brain where one thinks consciously about motor activities is the?

Pre-central gyrus

The motor cortex sits just posterior of the central fissure in the frontal lobes whereas the somatosensory cortex sits next to the central fissure in the parietal lobes of the cerebral cortex?

Wrong. The motor cortex is the prominent gyrus that is ancterior to the central sulcus. The Somatosensory cortex is the prominent gyrus that is posterior to the central sulcus.

Part of brain that controls movements?

Probably the best-known region of the brain associated with motor control (movement) is the primary motor cortex. The primary motor cortex is located in the precentral gyrus, just anterior to the central sulcus.However, the pre-motor areas of the frontal lobe, as well as the cerebellum are also very involved with motor control.

What arches over diencephalon?

The cingulate gyrus

Which part of the brain controls motor function?

In general the frontal lobe although much of the work is done by the pre-central gyrus.

What are the functions of motor cortex?

Pre central gyrus has got the motor cortex. Through this area you get the initiation of final motor pathway.

The primary visual area is located in the?

Post central gyrus of the parietal lobe in the cerebral cortex of the brain.