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Well I'm no expert that's for sure.... But I keep reading online that if you start working out you won't even be able to notice it.... Which reminded me of what my doctor told me a couple of years ago "maybe if you started working out, you wouldn't be able to notice it as much" .... Yes this means that I have it too, but not for long!... Because I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago.... I'm. Going to start working out again.... Because not only does working out cure "bird chest", it also adds like 17 years to your life span and youthfull appearance.... Or something like that... Not to mention that it also increases the polarity of your chick magnet ( if you're a girl it probably doesn't matter that much ). Or so im told.... So anyway, I guess im going to start working out now... That way I can kill two "birds" with one stone.... Or, more like one bird with a lot of iron.... Anyway, I hope his will help you out. If not, I hope you find the answer your looking for.... And, Oh I almost forgot, try to always hold your shoulders back and practice good posture. You can't go wrong with good posture...

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3mo ago

To develop a stronger chest, focus on exercises that target the pectoral muscles, such as bench presses, push-ups, and chest flies. Increasing your overall muscle mass and reducing body fat through a balanced diet and consistent exercise routine can help fill out a "bird chest." Be patient and stay consistent with your workout regimen to see progress over time.

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