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That's not even possible to happen. You can develop a bump near it but that means it needs to be cleaned with warm water and uniodized sea salt.

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13y ago

The bones that form the bridge of the nose may be fractured, but cartilage may also be damaged, particularly the nasal septum which divides the nose.

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Q: How do you know if your nose cartilage is broken?
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What bones are broken in the nose and nasal cavity?

For the most part the nose is just cartilage and the bone that would break is the Vomer.

How did Brian Williams from NBC get a broken nose?

It's not actually broken. He has what is known as a deviated septum. The cartilage that gives shape to his nose is not symmetrical with the rest of his face. It's not uncommon.

Does eye's have cartilage?

Not that I know of. Cartilage is found in your joints, your nose and your ears, but I don't think in your eyes.

Broken nose Sometimes when I wash my face my nose clicks does this mean that it's broken I have suspected that I broke it a few years ago when falling while mountainboarding?

No your nose clicking when you wash your face does not mean it is broken. Since the nose is cartilage and not bone it is flexible and can move slightly.

What are two parts of the body that are made up of cartilage?

end of your nose and the top of your ear.

How many bones are in a human nose?

I was taught that the nose was only made of cartilage so as far as I know-- none

Is your nose bone or cartilage?

It is cartilage until you get to the top of your bridge

Will the nose bleed if cartilage is broken?

A bleeding nose is usually a tell-tale sign of a broken one. Breaking one's nose doesn't always warrant blood outside of the body; one may noticed bruises around the nose/under the eyes.

Is there cartilage in your nose?

Yes, there is indeed cartilage in the nose of humans, which can be broken during sports or other heavy activity. Or, in extreme scenarios, if the cartilage is pushed upward in just a certain way, it would extend into the brain, most likely killing the victim. The bridge of the nose is formed partly of cartilages. On both sides are upper lateral and lower lateral cartilages. Three or four small cartilaginous plates called sesamoid cartilages are attached to each lower lateral cartilage. The cartilage of the septum separates the nostrils.

What is the difference between a nose broken from the side and one broken from the front?

If hit from the side, the bones and cartilage are displaced to the side, but if hit from the front, they are splayed out.

What is the nose cartilage?

I believe it is the stuff that makes your nose flexible. Move around your nose cartilage makes your nose able to do this.

What happens when you get hit in the nose?

You get a bloody nose. The cartilage may get broken. And your eyes will probably water pretty badly. You may end up with black eyes. Contrary to the popular myth, one cannot 'drive' the cartilage into the brain and kill anyone.