

How do you lose water from your body?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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By peeing, I think.

Urination, perspiration, defecation, lacrimal drainage(tears), lactation and vomitus.

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14y ago
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15y ago

you lose water from you bodie from like prespiring,salivia

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Q: How do you lose water from your body?
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What occurs when cells lose water and shrink?

Plasmolysis occurs when cells lose water and shrink. It refers to the process wherein water is lost in a cell that is placed in a hypertonic solution.

What happens to the body when in the desert?

absence of water in the body results in dehydration of the body. In the case of total dessication, the body would lose the cohesive effects of the water and simply turn to dust.

What will happen to the cells in your body if you drink sea water?

When you drink a regular glass of water, most of it is absorbed by osmosis through cells lining your small intestine. If you drink salt water then salt is added to the blood stream and your blood then becomes hypertonic to the entire solution (meaning is has more solute (salt) than normal), and your cells will lose water because your body is trying to dilute all that salt. So your cells will lose water and shrink.

How would chronic diarrhea affect homeostasis of the body?

your body is made up of mostly water. when you lose all that water and nutrients through your bowels that only leads to trouble. the body works in a way where anything is wrong it always tries to correct it by compensating for the loss. thust losing lots of water through your bowels makes you dehydrated. when you deplete your body of the resource that it mostly lives on, water, your only asking for trouble. pretty simple: normal body- water and electrolytes= disturbance of homeostasis in the body.

Would a cell placed in syrup lose or gain water?

lose because of osmosis:) your welcome.

Related questions

How do you lose body water?

you get dehydrated (lose body water) by doing lots of exercise or doing a tiring activity

How do you lose water from your body when running?

The water loss is due to sweating to cool the body.

Why and how does a body lose weight when it is immersed in water?

The body does not lose weight. However it is buoyed up equal to the weight of the amount of water that is displaced by the submerged parts of the body.

How does your body lose water?

By sweating and peeing.

How do you lose water?

you get dehydrated (lose body water) by doing lots of exercise or doing a tiring activity

How might a sportsperson lose water in their body?

They might lose water via sweat. Also, a lot of water as water vapor is lost by breathing.

How does the human body lose water?

by sweeting and by peeing

What is the most way to lose water from the body?

There are 3 main ways that a person's body loses water. These 3 ways are, urine, sweating, and feces. You can also lose water from crying and spitting.

How do hairy nosed wombats lose water from their body?

they pee

What 2 components does your body lose when you tear?

Water and Salt

How much water does the body lose in a day?

Adults lose nearly two to three quarts (12 cups) of water every day.

Why does the body lose more water then it needs in a hangover?

Because your body is dehydrated from the alcohol and your body uses any water it can to clean the alcohol out of your system.