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You get 1BB:2Bb:1bb.

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Q: How do you solve punnet square that is Bb and Bb?
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How do you fill in a punnet square?

An example of a punnet square is if you have the heterozygous Bb genotype. The punnet square would have a big B and a little B at the top and on the side. The first square would be BB, the second one would be Bb, the third would be Bb, and the fourth would be bb. the possibility that the child has the bb genotype is 1/4.

What variation is produced when crossing over occurs is what?

Depends on the genetic make up of the parent organisms. for example: Aa x Bb yeilds-> AB, Ab, aB, & ab Just draw a punnet square and solve that way

How do you work a punnet square?

A punnet square is a box of 4 sections

Who was Reginald Punnet?

He found the punnet square

What is a non-example for a punnet square?

A banana is a good example of a punnet square since it has absolutely nothing to do with a punnet square.

What are the outcomes for a punnet square?

The likely-hood of receiving either a dominant or recessive gene from each parent. One parent might have a Bb and the other parent have bb, where B is for dominant brown eyes. If you put them together, You will have a Bb, Bb, bb, and bb. That means you have a 50% chance of having brown eyes sense bb means you do not have brown eyes.

Predict the results of a cross between a rabbit homozygous dominant for black coat BB and a rabbit homozygous recessive for brown coat color bb?

i think you are asking for the outcome of the offspring, yes? The meathod that i know is to use a punnent square. A punnet square uses the probability to test the genotype (genetic makeup) and phenotype (physical characteristics. You can Google "punnet square" if you wish, to get a full description and how to make one. Here are my results*: there is a... 100% chance of a baby black rabbit (assuming that the black hair is domonant) 75% chance the baby will be homozygous (domonant,pure) 25% chance the baby will be heterozygous (domonant, hybrid) *these results are very general and i am assuming that there is no blending of the traits. (like a gray bunny!) Hope this helped!

How do you put RrYY in a punnet square?

you would need to have something else to cross it with to make it a punnet square.

How do you work punnet squares?

A punnet square is a box of 4 sections

What is an antonym of punnet square?


What is the punnet square for?

the punnet square is used for combining genes of two people or animals to predict the outcome of an offspring

What use is the punnet square?

the punnet square is used for combining genes of two people or animals to predict the outcome of an offspring