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Q: How do you take care our small and large intestines?
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What type of movements take place in the large intestine and why?

The type of movement that occurs in the large intestine is called peristaltic action. This is a series of rhythmic contractions of smooth muscles that are in the walls of the intestines. The intestines are composed of many small pouches called haustra. And as peristaltic action continues, feces in the large intestine move from one haustra to another until it finally reaches the anal canal and anus. Then when the internal and external sphincters relax, the feces is expelled from the body.

Where are the majority of the nutrients absorbed?

The body absorbs the food nutrients through the digestive tracts. The walls of the small intestine take it in then will travel on the body via the bloodstream.

How is poop made?

Poop is made by your digestive system. When you first take a bite of food, the process starts. The saliva in your mouth starts to break down the food. You then swallow the food sending it down your esophagus to your stomach. In your stomach, it meets up with hydrochloric acid that breaks it down into a pulp-like substance. Your stomach then contracts and sends it into your small intestines, where vitamins and nutrients are extracted. It continues down the intestines into the large intestines. The large intestines continue to pull liquid out of the feces. Once the feces is through the large intestines, it waits at the bottom, in your rectum, until you make a bowel movement... Or poop.

Why is the small intestines the main part of the digestive system?

The small intestines are important in the digestive system. There are small finger like structures in the Small intestines called villi, these villi extract the nutrients and take it into the blood stream. Without the small intestines you would not be able to extract nutrients from the food.

Fingerlike projections in the intestines that absorb food?

-Villi The first answer is correct in the villi are very small finger like projections in the intestines but I would suspect the question refers to the appendix.

Related questions

Where does most digestive in the small intestines take place?

Large Intestine

Where does fiber take effect?

in the small intestines

What is the function of my small intestines?

Your small intestines absorb the food and nutrients as well as the water you take in. You can not survive without most of it.

Where does most digestion and absorption take place where?

small intestines

Where in the alimentary canal does absorption of food take place?

I think maybe the stomach absorbs food molecules to break it down so its easier to pass through your intestines. ( i think this is right I'm not quite shore though .)

What digestive organs take up a large portion of the abdominal cavity?


What are the functions of the small intestines?

To take the nutrients out of food and let them be abosered into your bloodstream

When dealing with very small of large number what step would you take to improve the accuracy of the calculation?

take care of the data types of variables declared and format specifiers

What is the last place where the digestion occurs?

ILLIUM Goes deudenum, jejenum, ILLIUM, then large bowel

When dealing with very small or very large numbers what steps would you take to improve the accuracy of the calculations?

take care of the data types of variables declared and format specifiers

Draw a diagram of the digestion of a frog?

VI.) Digestive Systema.) Esophagusb.) Stomachc.) Small intestined.) Cloacae.) Anusf.) Pancreasg.) Spleenh.) Fat Bodies

How long does it take food to move from mouth to anus?

It takes about 20 to 30 hours for your food to get to your anus!