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Your cells get oxygen and glucose through protein channels located on their cell membrane the phospholipid bilayer surrounding a cell.

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Q: How do your cells get oxygen glucose and the raw materials that they need to respire?
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How do your cells get raw materials that they need to respire?

Through the food you eat and the air you breath!

What does the respiration do?

Respiration is the production of energy in mitochrondia inside cells. In order to respire, cells need Glucose and Oxygen. The waste products are Water and Carbon Dioxcide. Glucose + Oxygen --------- Carbon Dioxcide+ Water energy

What do cells need to work well?

Cells need energy to work, but they get this from using oxygen and glucose to respire, Oxygen + Glucose -> Water + Carbon dioxide and produces energy When oxygen is not available, the body can survive on anaerobic respiration for a short period of time. Glucose -> Lactic acid + Carbon dioxide

What is the name of the food molecule you need for your cells to respire?


What starting materials do cells need for cellular respiration?

The starting materials of cellular respiration are sugars-such as glucose-and oxygen.

Why can our cells respire a aerobically for short time?

Our cells can respire aerobically for a short time because of the presence of oxygen in our muscles.

Do animal cells respire?

Animal cells respire in order to refresh the blood cells with oxygen rich molecules. The oxygen is then transported to the rest of the body for muscle use.

What substances does the body need when exercising?

The body mostly needs fats which are used to produce energy. The body also needs water which is used for cooling and other important functions.

What system gets oxygen into the body so our cells can respire?


Why must living things respire?

simply!living things like mammal other creatures must respire to release the energy form the food (glucose , proteins , lipids) the energy from the oxidation of the materials is necessary for the cells to SURVIVErespiration can be classified as anaerobic and aerobicanaerobic respiration : happens in absence of oxygen (fermentation)aerobic respiration :happens in presence of oxygengoogle it to find more on this..

How do humans lose their energy?

The cells in your body require energy to function. To get this energy the cells go through a process called respiration. The cells use glucose(sugar) and oxygen to form energy, water, and carbon dioxide. Blood carries oxygen, glucose, and other materials to cells. If the cells are vigorously used (which happens a lot in muscle cells) the use all the materials the blood can provide them. After resting the cells get materials from the blood again and can function more and are less tired.

what substance do cells need to get energy from food?

When you become more active your cells need more oxygen and glucose, and when your body releases energy, glucose or other organic fuels in the presence of air is called aerobic respiration. aerobic respiration is in the absence of air.