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you are born with that trait from your mom or dad or even both sometimes

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Through a process called heredity.

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Q: How does a trait get passed on in a family?
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What is a tool that shows how a trait is passed on in a family?

A Punnet Square

What the importance of family trait?

family trait will help you to know about what is the health status of helps you to know about the heritable trait in the family.

What is an idea trait?

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Features passed from parent to offspring?


What does inherited trait mean?

An inherited trait is a feature or characteristic of an organism that has been passed on to it in its genes.

What kind of cross is it when a trait is passed on thhe sex chromosomes?

This is called a sex-linked trait.

What trait that may not show when an animal carries it but which can be passed on to its offspring and perhaps show there is called what kind of trait?

This is called a Recessive trait

A sentence for trait?

The child picks up the family trait.

Why people get ADHD?

it is a trait passed down genetically

What evidence did Mendel find that support his assortment?

One trait does not affect whether another trait will be passed on

What type's of traits exist?

Cardinal trait Central trait Secondary trait.

What are pedigree charts used for?

Pedigree is used to determine wheather a trait is inherited