

How does chemotherapy effect tendons?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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I have tenosynovitis of wrist and anterior tibiial muscles

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Q: How does chemotherapy effect tendons?
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Chemotherapy side effects on children?

Chemotherapy has different effect on different individuals< To learn more about this go to the related link(Kids health Chemotherapy) below.

How can wasp sting effect chemotherapy patients?

One wasp sting will usually have little effect on a person who is taking chemotherapy treatment. However, in some it can lead to anaphylactic shock.

What parts of the body tend to get tendonitis?

tendons that commonly become inflamed include: tendons of the hand, tendons of the upper arm that effect the shoulder, Achilles tendon and the tendon that runs across the top of the foot

Does your hair fall out when you get cancer?

Generally no. Hairloss is a side effect of chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer.

Do all forms of chemotherapy cause hair loss?

Not all forms of chemotherapy can cause hair loss. Many have the potential for hair loss, but it is not a guaranteed side effect. For example, there are two kinds of chemotherapy, Aromasin and Tamoxifan. they are both pill form of chemotherapy and do not normally cause hair loss.

Why is diarrhea a common side-effect of chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy can cause an upset in the human body. the effects can cause moderate to severe diarrhea. This can also spped up the guant apperance of the patient.

A 67 yr old man is diagnosed with cancer and subsequently undergoes chemotherapy As an expected side effect of chemotherapy his bone marrow stops functioning. What's the cause of this loss of function?

The purpose of chemotherapy is to destroy cells. That includes bone marrow cells.

What exactly are the worst effects of chemotherapy?

Unfortunately the side effects of chemotherapy can be fairly troublesome. One such side effect is depression of the immune system leaving the patient more vulnerable to infections and sickness. Chemotherapy can also be physically tiring or even exhausting. Some consider this worse than others but chemotherapy can also lead to hair loss.

A 67 year old man is diagnosed with cancer and subsequently undergoes chemotherapy as a side effect of chemotherapy his bone marrow stops functioning what is a potential consequence of this loss of fu?

his potassium levels will increase

How does chemotherapy effect the body?

This type of therapy damages not only the cancer cells, but healthy cells as well. The most common side effect is hair loss.

How do chemotherapy drugs leave the body?

Russell Portenoy, M.D.: It is important to distinguish the direct effects of chemotherapy as it circulates in the body from the long-term effect that can continue after the body has eliminated the chemotherapy through normal metabolic pathways. Most chemotherapy is eliminated from the body fairly quickly, and the fatigue that patients experience after treatment is a prolonged effect that continues long after the chemotherapy is gone. A person should not assume that feeling fatigued means that the chemotherapy is still in the body. As we said before, fatigue has many possible causes and the experience of severe fatigue should be evaluated so that these causes can be identified and treated.

What is the cure for chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is used as a treatment in the fight against cancer. Chemo treatment must be administered conservatively and by fully qualified staff. It can make you very nauteous but anti-emetics usually ease this side effect.