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Energy and nutrients are passed from organism to organism, through the food chain as one organism, eats another.

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Q: How does energy flow through food chains in the rock pool?
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Where does a food chains flow of energy start?

All food chains flow of energy start from the sun.

What is a model that shows many interconnected food chains and pathways in which energy and matter flow through an ecosystem?

Food webs

What is the direction of flow of energy for the pyramid?

construct to food chains with the help of the given energy pyramid

How does energy flow in the food chains?

Energy flows from one organism to another.One organism eats other organism and energy is transferred.

What do you call the energy flow of a food chain?

All producers get energy from the sun. (Producers are types of plantlife)When consumers eat the producers, they get energy from the producers, who got their energy from the sun. So, ultimately, everything in a food chain gets energy from the sun. Energy is then transferred from prey to predator until the top, where the predator stores all the energy from its meals.

What is the simple model for showing how matter and energy move through an ecosystem?

Food Chains

What do producers producer?

Producers produce energy, to put it simply. Food chains and webs are all about the flow of energy and who's getting energy from where. Since producers are at the bottom of food pyramids, they essentially produce energy.

What do produces produce?

Producers produce energy, to put it simply. Food chains and webs are all about the flow of energy and who's getting energy from where. Since producers are at the bottom of food pyramids, they essentially produce energy.

What two models do scientists use to describe how energy moves through an ecosystem?

Food Chains and Food Webs

Where does a chicken get energy?

Food Chains get energy from the producers in that specific food chain. The producers, such as grass, make enery using the sun, that is passed on through the food chain.

Do Plants Pass on Energy through Food Chains?

YES they do, plants provide energy for whatever eats them like herbivores

Why does energy flow and chemicals cycle through food webs?

the eb