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The decease in pH is caused often by an increase in C02 levels, so the body reacts by increasing the rates of respiration so as to flush out the C02 from body back into the atmosphere. In addition the renal and alimentary system increases the rate of excretion of NaBicarbonate which removes H+ from the body.

C02 + H20 <=> H+ + HC03-

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1mo ago

During exercise, the body produces more carbon dioxide as a byproduct of energy production. This leads to an increase in blood acidity, lowering the pH. To counteract this, the body increases respiration rate to expel excess carbon dioxide, shifting the pH back towards normal levels.

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8y ago

Too much exercise causes the body's pH to drop. The pH of the blood should be maintained at 7.4. If the pH drops below 6.8 or rises above 7.8, death may occur. Fortunately, we have buffers in the blood to protect against large changes in pH. Exercise can cause dangerous drops in pH, so listen when your body screams for a rest.

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11y ago

The food you eat.

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Q: How does exercise affect the pH of blood in a living organism?
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Is heart a living thing?

No, the heart is an organ made of muscle tissue and does not meet the criteria to be considered a living thing on its own. It is part of a living organism's circulatory system and plays a crucial role in pumping blood throughout the body to keep the organism alive.

What is the difference between a parasite and a host?

A host is an organism that the parasite lives on. In other words the parasite may use the host's resources in a negative way. For example: A tick living off the blood of a human. The tick is the parasite and the human is the host. The tick lives off the blood of the human.

What is acquired variation?

Acquired variation refers to characteristics or traits that an organism develops during its lifetime due to environmental influences. These variations are not inherited because they are not encoded in the genetic material of the organism. Examples include muscle development in response to exercise or tan skin from exposure to sunlight.

Does anything effect blood sugar besides food or insulin?

Yes, other factors can affect blood sugar levels, including stress, physical activity, illness, medications, hormones, and sleep patterns. It's important to monitor blood sugar levels regularly and work with a healthcare provider to manage these factors for optimal control.

What is the living part of the blood?

The living part of blood is the white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets. These cells are responsible for fighting infections and forming blood clots to prevent excessive bleeding.

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How does exercise affect the pH of blood in living organism?

Too much exercise causes the body's pH to drop. The pH of the blood should be maintained at 7.4. If the pH drops below 6.8 or rises above 7.8, death may occur. Fortunately, we have buffers in the blood to protect against large changes in pH. Exercise can cause dangerous drops in pH, so listen when your body screams for a rest.

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Blood type does not affect cholesterol levels. Heredity, eating low-fat foods, and exercise all do affect cholesterol levels.

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Yes, donating blood plasma does affect body building like working out or exercise. You see, it will affect the quality of your workout and the body's resistance to injury and repair to the body if an injury occurs.

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4 factors that affect blood pressure?

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Certain types of exercise affect heart rate. When doing certain exercises, like running, dancing, jumping rope, biking quickly, the heart pumps blood faster to get blood to the parts of the body that are working harder then usual.

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Is a paramecium an example of a simple organism?

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