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Although rare, hyperlipidemia (more specifically, hypertriglyceridemia) can lead to pancreatitis. The exact mechanism is unclear. However, it is thought to involved increased chylomicrons in the blood. Chylomicrons are very large triglyceride carrying molecules that are present in the highest concentrations 1-3 hours after eating. Typically, they are cleared from the blood within 8 hours. However, when triglyceride levels are very high (exceeding 1,000 mg/dL), chylomicrons are almost always present in the blood. Since they are very large, they may obstruct small vessels leading to ischemia and acidemia. This local damage can cause pancreatic lipases to degrade triglycerides within chylomicrons. The degradation of triglycerides to free fatty acids and glycerol in the pancreas leads to cytotoxic injury. Free fatty acids have a detergent effect and damage the pancreas. This leads to further local injury that increases inflammation, which produces pancreatitis.

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Q: How does hyperlipidemia causes pancreatitis?
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You can most certainly develop pancreatitis after having your gall bladder removed. The gall bladder and pancreas share the same common bile duct and often times agitation to that area can stir up acute chemical pancreatitis.

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Can mood disorders cause pancreatitis?

Mood disorders have not been linked to pancreatitis. In 5% of cases, patients develop pancreatitis after taking certain medications. Acute Chemical Pancreatitis is a rarely-reported serious complication of the antidepressant Clomipramine when overdosed. In short, medicine only accounts for 5% or less of the cases of pancreatitis each year. Out of the known medications that can cause it, only one is an antidepressant and it is a rare complication that can only occur in some cases of overdose. This is the only way to link a mood disorder to pancreatitis. The most common causes are alcohol abuse and gall bladder stones, accounting for 80%-90% of all cases. Other known causes include certain surgeries, injuries, high levels of fat in the blood and exposure to certain chemicals.