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By recombining the genetic material in two ways with a third way furthering variation.

1. The independent orientation of the chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis.

2. Crossing over between chromosomes in prophase I of meiosis.

3. Random fertilization of gametes.

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13y ago

Each gamete (sex cell) is unique due to a process during meiosis called cross-over which (simplified) swaps around some genes to create unique chromosome combinations.

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Q: How does meiosis contribute to genetic variation?
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Nicely. Do your project on your own!

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Meiosis is responsible for genetic variation

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The ability to undergo meiosis and produce genetic variation does not apply equally well to both sexual and asexual spores. Sexual spores are formed through meiosis, which shuffles genetic material and leads to genetic variation. Asexual spores, on the other hand, are produced by mitosis and do not contribute to genetic diversity.

How does meiosis create variation?

Meiosis creates genetic variation through the production of 4 haploid daughter cells, each with random genetic combinations. Meiosis also creates genetic variation through the process called crossing over, where chromosome segments are exchanged.

What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?

What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?

What type of reproduction produces genetic variation?

The type of cell division is meiosis

How does meiosis aid in evolution?

contributes to genetic variation.

Genetic variation in bacterial populations cannot result from?

meiosis, Ap BIO

What phase in meiosis increases genetic variation?


How does meiosis contribute to the variation in a species?

During meiosis crossing over takes place between homologous chromosomes. Thus genetic material get interchanged and 50 % new combinations are obtained after each meiotic cell division. Thus, meiosis brings heritable variation in the gametes.

What does meiosis provides for genetic variation mean?

The genes decide how we look and a lot about how we are. If there wasn't genetic variation we'd all be the same.