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Upon the process of splitting cells, mitosis means that the cell splits itself into two genetically identical cells. Meiosis stands for two divisions which result into four genetically different cells.

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Q: How does mitosis and meiosis differ in the division of genetic composition?
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What type of cell division Mitosis or meiosis is important in genetic study?


Differences between mitosis and meiosis?

place of occurence ;mitosis= somatic cells | meiosis=gonadic cells crossing over;mitosis=does not occur | meiosis=occur during prophase of meiosis 1 to form tetrads number of daughter cell;mitosis=two | meiosis= four genetic variation;mitosis=no variation produced| meiosis=produces genetic variation genetic composition in daughter cell; mitosis=identical to the parent cell | meiosis= non identical to the parent cell and each other

Which happens first mitosis or cell division?

Mitosis was first discovered and meiosis evolved out of mitosis. Mitosis stands for the first division of a cell into two genetic identically cells. Meiosis stands for two divisions into four genetic different cells.

Does cell replacement occur in mitosis or meiosis?

Its meiosis. Mitosis is cell division.

Which cell division mitosis or meiosis has genetic variation and are not just identical cells?

Meiosis. Genetic variation is achieved by the random division of the chromosomes between the two daughter cells, and further recombination of specific genes between paired chromosomes before the division.

Does mitosis or meiosis consists of nuclear division?


How are mitosis and meiosis simlair?

Meiosis and Mitosis are both the division of something. Meiosis is the division of chromosomes and Mitosis is the division of cells. They both occur in the cell cycle. Meiosis creates 4 daughter cells and Mitosis creates two complete cells.

Do mitosis and meiosis produce cells with the same amount of genetic information?

Meiosis cells have half the amount of genetic info as cells of mitosis.

What is mitosis and meiosis a division of?

The nucleus.

How many rounds of division does meiosis involve versus mitosis?

meiosis involves 2 cell divisions while mitosis involves 1

Which type of cell division is chemotherapy meiosis or mitosis?

Chemotherapy may or may not affect meiosis and mitosis. It is not a type of cell division.

How is meiosis similar to mitosis?

Both meiosis and mitosis are forms of cell reproduction.They both have a prophase and an anaphase.Both are forms of cell reproduction/Both are forms of nuclear division. Meiosis occurs in generative cells and mitosis in somatic cells.