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The plica (PLY-ka) semilunaris (sem-ee-LOO-ner-is), which is located around the eye was thought to have no function. But eventually it was discovered that this "useless" organ has an important function after all.

In fact, it is the "crusty" factory. It secretes a sticky mass that collects any foreign materials such as dust or pollen. All this trash is surrounded by the sticky gook so that it does not scratch the sensitive cornea in your eye. Once the garbage is collected, the plica semilunaris "escorts" it out of the eye just like a security guard would escort noisy troublemakers out of a theater.

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12y ago

First off, it isn't really sand. It's dried mucus.

It is made by your eyes to help keep the eyes moist and to protect them from foreign particles.

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Q: How does sand get in your eye when you sleep?
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