

How does selective breeding affect DNA?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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crosses or matings of

organisms so the

offspring will

have a desired


derived from one

of the parents

so go to the dictionary search for a definition this is only a small one y bet you'll find better ones!!!!!

this is no help at all people go to google and look it up in an encyclopedia

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14y ago
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9y ago

The functions that control the expression of the genes {promoter and enhancer sequences are examples} that control the expression of the traits that are being selected for are affected so that these genes are expressed more, while the genes that control the phenotypic traits that are not desired are expressed less.

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9y ago

yes. selective breeding is in many ways how you change the DNA.

genes can be changed other wise but moste of the time it is how you can evolve a spesies in one way or another.

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