

How does sound enter your ears?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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15y ago

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it goes through a very longg toobe and it is swirly and golden like a trumpet and the it goes through and then out the other ear cuz like people say what u say u hear isn't what u really hear.... this answer was made by.... E.B... a key to that is im not very smart............. lol got ya hope this wasnt for an assignment hahahahaaaaahhhhhh

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12y ago
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13y ago

The sound has to travel through the ear to the ear drum, then to the inner ear bones which shake which then makes the cochlea change the sound waves into a fluid which then is changed again into a electrical message which then carries that to the brain.

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12y ago

It vibrates the tympanic membrane (ie. ear drum), which vibrates the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear (in the order of Stapes, Incus, Malleus), which vibrate the round window (a membrane) of the cochlea. The cochlea is where the vibrations are then transformed into neural impulses thereby allowing the brain to comprehend sound.

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15y ago

Sounds produce vibrations in the air, which beat against the eardrum. The eardrum then pushes a chain of tiny bones, which in turn presses the fluid in the inner ear against membranes. These forces pull on tiny hair cells which stimulate neurons (nerve cells) to send impulses to the brain where these impulses are interpreted as sound.

Sound which enters the outer ear as vibrations hits the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and causes it to start vibrating at the same frequency as the sound waves. The louder the sound, the more movement of the eardrum there will be.

The eardrum then tranfers this motion to the auditory ossicles (the three small bones in the middle ear: The Malleus/Hammer, Incus/Anvil, and Stapes/Stirrup) the ossicles transfer the vibrations to an oval window in the temporal bone which seperates the middle ear and the inner ear.

If the vibrations hit the oval window directly, most of the energy would be reflected and lost due to the high resistance to motion that the fluid in the inner ear (cochlea fluid) has. Because the eardrum is about 20 times the size of the oval window, the force exerted on the oval window is about 20 times the size of the force exerted on the eardrum. This increase in force overcomes the cochlea fluid's resistance to motion and sets it into wave motion. This can be compared to the difference in pressure on the ground from a flat shoe and a high heeled shoe. With a flat shoe, the persons weight is spread evenly over the whole surface of the shoe and so will make very little imprint on the ground. With a high heeled shoe, the weight is all focused onto the tiny point of the heel, so a much deeper impression is made on the ground.

The inner ear is divided into sections, mainly the vestibule, the cochlea and the semicircular canals. The cochlea contains the organ of corti which is the receptor organ for hearing and is composed of thousands of hair cells, some of which extend into the cochlea fluid.

As the cochlea fluid is set in motion, it puts pressure on the membranes of the inner ear, pulling on the tiny hair cells. These hair cells then stimulate nerve cells which are coiled around them. The nerve cells then send impulses to the brain and sound is heard.

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12y ago

It collects sound waves and directs them into a narrow region which is called the ear canal. Your ear canal is a few centimeters long and ends at the eardrum.

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15y ago

through your eardrum

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