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It gets out through the nuclear pores and enters the cytoplasm.

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11y ago

The nucleus has pores through which the mRNA can exit out to the ribosomes.

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13y ago

It exits the nucleus through the nuclear pores

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10y ago

There are holes in nuclear envelop.They are called nuclear pores.

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Q: How does the MRNA get out of the nucleus?
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why did we have to stay in the "nucleus" to write down the mRNA

What does mRNA carry away from the nucleus?

Basically, mRNA carries a message away from the nucleus. The nucleus says hey, we need these proteins made, and mRNA is made by using RNA polymerase to copy the information on DNA. That mRNA then moves out of the nucleus to a ribosome, where rRNA and tRNA will interact with the mRNA, eventually resulting in the production of a fully functional protein.

Where is mRNA produce?

The nucleus.

Where does transcript take place?

In the nucleus of the cell. If the cell lacks a nucleus, then the mRNA is immediately translated without additional processing.The transcription takes place inside the nucleus. The new mRNA is then spliced and afterwards leaves the nucleus.

Where in the cell is mRNA located?

Messenger RNA, or mRNA, is transcribed from DNA in the nucleus of the cell. It is then transported to the cytoplasm.

What molecule carries a copy of the code from out of the nucleus?

Molecules of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) carry the instructions for assembling proteins out of the cell nucleus. Without this type of molecule, the cell cannot survive.

What mRNA carries from the nucleus is?


What carry instructions for assembling proteins out of the nucleus?

Messenger RNA (mRNA)

What two things is mRNA found in?

mRNA is found in the nucleus of a cell, ribosome or the cytoplasm.

What is the function of the cap and tail on eukaryotic mRNA?

They are involved in transporting the mRNA outside of the nucleus.

Where is new mRNA produced?

mRNA is produced inside the nucleus of the cell after transcription has occurred.

The 5' cap of mRNA is important for what?

Protecting the mRNA while it travels from the nucleus to the ribosome.