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the heart is a muscle and the centre of the cardiovascular system. when your heart beats it is expanding and contracting.

during contraction the heart pushes blood through the aorta which in turn branches off to the rest of your body.

during expansion more blood is allowed to flow into the heart so that the cycle can continue.

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Q: How does the cardiovascular system pump blood around the body?
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Where is the cardiovascular system in your body?

The cardiovascular system is basically the heart and the blood vessels around the body. Another name is the circulatory system.

Where is the cardiovascular system?

The cardiovascular system refers to the heart and blood vessels in the body so it is found around almost your entire body

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The things that make up the cardiovascular system are the blood, blood vessels, and the heart. The job of the cardiovascular system is to move things such as blood, oxygen and nutrients through the body.

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The cardiovascular system contains the heart and many blood vessels throughout the body. It works with the bodies circulatory system and is responsible for distributing blood and nutrients throughout the body to maintain homeostasis. Pumps blood around the body, to supply the tissues with oxygen and nutrients and to transport waste products away from these tissues.

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The cardiovascular system work together with blood, blood vessels, and the heart.

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The system of organs that carries blood around your body is called the 'Circulatory' system, or the 'circulatory' organs.

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