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The nucleus controls all aspects of cellular reproduction, in both the animal and plant cell. The nucleus contains the heritary information encoded on chomasomes. The nucleus also maintains control in cellular transport and production of nessisary organalles and energy sub-compacts. Such as ATP (Mitochonndria) and Ribosomes (Smooth ER)

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15y ago
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1mo ago

The nucleus contains DNA, which holds the genetic information that instructs the cell on what to do. This information is transcribed into messenger RNA, which is then used to produce proteins that carry out various functions in the cell. In this way, the nucleus controls cell activities by managing gene expression.

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12y ago

the nucleus is the control center of the cell

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10y ago

The nucleus serves two major functions in the cell. It is where all genetic information (DNA) is stored and also it is in control of activities that cause the cell to survive and grow.

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13y ago

The nucleus is where the cell's chromosomes are kept.
it controls the cell

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12y ago

The nucleus contains the cell's DNA, which controls the production of proteins in the cell. The proteins in the cell provide structure and also control the cell's functions.

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12y ago

control the cells activities and store chromosomes

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11y ago

Controls all the actions it does. "The brain of the cell" it functions all the other parts in the cell.

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9y ago

directs the cell's activities

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Q: How does the nucleus tell the cell what to do?
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How can you tell if a cell is a eukaryote cell?

There is a nucleus

What part of the cell tell the cell how to do its job?

the Nucleus

How can you tell if you have eukaryotic animal cell?

i think it has to have a nucleus:)

What is the function of nucleus in the animal cell?

Basicly to tell the cell what to do, what to make and how much. It is the director of the cell.

How do you tell a cell is eukaryote?

A eukaryotic cell has a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

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The nucleus, because it controls what happens in the cell.

What stores cell information for cell growth?

The nucleus holds the DNA and chromosomes for the cell. The DNA stores what is needed to tell the cell how to grow.

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The nucleus of the cell contains the genome.

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What do you think ? Well my answer is the nucleus why well if you look at a picture you can tell I do not have a picture cause I have no cam to take a picture of my paper but you can look at the text or use goggle this is my answer I'm in the 5 th grade

What has a nucleus and why?

A nucleus directs all of the cells actions and activities.It does that to tell the cell what do and to help keep your body running in all of your cells.

What does nucleus do for cell?

the nucleus is the brain of the cell.

What acts as the brain of the cell?

That, my friend, is called the Nucleus. it contains most of the cell's genetic material (DNA) that determines every natural process within an organism. Very fascinating stuff, if you need to know more, Google will be your new best friend. How's biology class going by the way?