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XX = female. XY= male because the Y chromosome has SRY gene (Sex-deterimining Region Y). The SRY gene in mammals makes the body produce testis which makes testosterone making the foetus male. For more information, please see the related link below.

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11y ago
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13y ago

your 23rd pair of chromosomes either has a XX or a XY. An XX is a female, a XY is a male. the y in the chromosomes determines it by a random guess

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14y ago

All the genes on the Y chromosome are related to male characteristics.

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8y ago

The Y chromosome contains genes for "maleness". It produces male sex hormones and while the fetus is developing, it produces direction for the formation of male parts.

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9y ago

It helps in the determination of sex. Its presence brings maleness in the human being.

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Which chromosome carries a gene which is essential for maleness?

The Y Chromosome.

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The Y chromosome closely resembles many of the other chromosomes. What did you have to do to determine that it was the Y chromosome?

What is the male genotype?

Maleness is not a genotype but a combination of sex chromosomes. A normal human male has an X as well as a Y chromosome.

In humans what are the chromosome pairs 1 through 22 called?

Chromosome pair 23 in humans is the pair of sex chromosomes. In females, both sex chromosomes are the X sex chromosome, and in human males one sex chromosome is the X and the other is the Y chromosome.

In humans a male has?

one X chromosome and one Y chromosome

In humans the shorter of the sex chromosomes?

In humans, the Y chromosome is noticeably shorter than the X chromosome.

Men have one of y?

The y chromosome. The chromosome pair that determine sex (gender) can have x and y chromosomes; men have one X and one Y chromosome, women have to X chromosomes.

What sex chromosome is present in all humans?

There are two sex chromosomes: the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. During fertilization, the mother always gives an X chromosome and the father gives either another X chromosome or a Y chromosome. Therefore, all humans have at least one X chromosome.

Does sperm contain x and y chromosome?

In humans the male sperm contains EITHER an X chromosome, or a Y chromosome since human gametes are haploid (n) in chromosome number.

Does the male or female determine the gender in humans?

It is the x or y chromosome in the sperm of males that determine the sex of the baby. The woman carries two x chromosomes and the sperm either carries another x (a girl) or a y (a boy).

In humans a zygote will develop into a male it the?

egg contributes an X chromosome and the sperm contributes a Y chromosome.