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The bone marrow produces a white blood cells called B-cells which are part of the body's immune system.

B-cells, T-cells, and natural killer cells, are all lymphocytes, one of the five types of white blood cells.

Red blood cells are mostly made of the protein hemoglobin. Proteins are made of amino acid chains called polypeptides. They are "folded" in various ways up to four times by a structure called a chaperonin, but that's a different topic.

How exactly the body's mechanisms allow for white and red blood cells to be produced, I'm not sure

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13y ago

your blood cells are created in your bones. white/red blood cells are made inside the marrow

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Q: How does your body produce blood cells?
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What does blood produce?

Blood does not produce anything. Red blood cells and white blood cells are produced in the marrow of bones. Blood then supplies oxygen and hormones to the body to insure the body works properly. Blood cells are bathed in plasma.

Where does Red Blood cells produce in body and Embryo?

for our body, it is in the bone marrow

What body systems produce blood cells?

The Immune System

Is it true that one of the functions of the circulatory system is to produce red and white blood cells?

the circulatory system does not "produce" blood cells. The circulatory system does not produce anything, it just circulates the blood around your body.

How does the body get blood cells?

When the body needs a specific type of blood cell, the bone marrow uses its stockpile of stem cells to produce the kind of mature cells needed

Which body system produce blood cells?

Blood cells are produced in red bone marrow by a process called hematopoiesis. Every cell in the body gets its nutrients from blood.

Does the skeletal system produce red blood cells?

You have red bone marrow in your bones. That produces red blood cells in your body.

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Plants do not have blood so they do not produce blood cells.

What does the body cells need?

2 things:Cells need blood and oxygen to produce.

Do you have more red blood cells or white blood cells in your body?

You have more red blood cells in your body than white because white blood cells only tend to produce when your body is under pressure by pressure I mean an illness . Plus for each tiny drop of blood we have there are over 5 million red blood cells in side :)

Specialized white blood cells that patrol the body searching for antigens that produce infections are known as?

Dendritic cells

What might be indicated by an excess of white blood cells in the blood?

An infection could cause your body to produce more bacteria fighting white cells.