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There are actually different types of afferent fibers and they convey different types of information. For example the fibers that transmit pain signals are relatively slow whereas the fibers that transmit touch signals travel much faster. The conduction velocity (speed), depending on the type of fiber and the conveyed message, will range from 0.6 m/s to 120 m/s.

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1mo ago

Nerve signals can travel at speeds ranging from 1-120 meters per second, depending on the type of nerve fiber and the individual. This allows for quick responses to sensory stimuli, such as pain or touch.

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16y ago

40 mph 40 mph

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16y ago

It can travel between 80-160 mph.

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Q: How fast do nerve signals travel to the brain?
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How fast nerve signals travel to the brain per sec?

Nerve speeds vary, BUT on average move 115-197 ft/sec (35-60 m/sec).

How fast can nerve signals travel?

Nerve signals can travel at speeds ranging from 1 meter per second to more than 100 meters per second. The speed depends on various factors such as the type of nerve fiber, myelination, and the presence of nodes of Ranvier.

How fast nerve impulses travel?

Nerve impulses travel through nerve fibers, and the speed of which they travel depends on the type of nerve fiber. They travel usually around 86 miles per hour.

What is the difference between nerve signals and hormones?

Nerve signals are electrical impulses that travel through neurons to transmit information quickly within the body, while hormones are chemical messengers released by glands into the bloodstream to regulate various bodily functions over a longer period of time. Nerve signals are fast-acting and localized, while hormones are slower-acting and can have widespread effects throughout the body.

How fast do nerves impulses travel?

Nerve impulses travel through nerve fibers via a action potential and the speed at which the impulse travels depends on the type of nerve fibre. This can range from 100m/s in the case of touch to 20-30 m/s when you're thinking.

How fast does a nerve impulse travels?

It 200 miles per hour And it can probally be in meters too.

How fast does nicotene travel to brain?

its true

How fast to brain waves travel?

About 120m per second

How fast are nerve signals in kmh?

faster than you can ever fast you cant measure it....that's how like a 1,000,000 kmh......yep that's it all right....

How does your brain send orders so fast?

This is due to electronic signals are transmitted between brain and other parts of the body; the ever fastest communication.

How does the brain send messages so fast to the body?

The fastest nerve signals travel at speeds that exceed 100 meters per second!

How does the body respond to signals from the nervous system?

Yes it does. However, it may not. It only responds when the brain wants a particular part of your body to do a particular task like I'm typing right now. The signals travel very fast and can be received within a few mili-seconds! Hope this helps!