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DNA is a key, if understood as a very long digital sequence of bytecode. Except that in information systems the bytecode is made up of 0s and 1s, the DNA is made up of A, T, G and C.

Imagine a computer network. We could call it a tissue, as it is assembled of cells (computers). Each cell is programmable.

An analogy that comes up as a reasonably good example is a programmable string processor 'tool' in a cell, which is reading sequences of RNA to output another string, which can fold by itself (and maybe with the help of some already existing proteins) in 3D space to a fully functional protein.

If one can program this tool called ribosome (predict how the output sequence will fold into a protein) than one can create new proteins.

There are quite a few other analogies between the two, just look up the terms 'biotechnology', 'bioinformatics' and 'systems Biology'.

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The modulator receptor deep within the cardiovascular tissues are intertwined and elongated so that the start and stop codons make a trig-analopatious that not only reduces the discombobulated molecular star fighter but it also serves as the nellfore polypeptide that combines with cos(24.65 to make a new computer like engineered motor. Simple physics.

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People not versed in DNA sequencing.

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When looking for information about the sequence of DNA then there is information relating to the concept of genetic sequencing available from Wikipedia. The site offers about DNA sequencing with links that relate to other facts and information on the different aspects of genetic sequencing.

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It is common knowledge that pyrosequencing is a method of DNA sequencing (determining the order of nucleotides in DNA) based on the "sequencing by synthesis" principle.

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by DNA fingerprinting method , DNA-DNA hybirdization or DNA sequencing. to know the sequence of DNA

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Some methods that are sequencing DNA is utilizing labeled nucleotides for corporation into a copy of a piece of DNA. The DNA segment to be copied, called the template DNA, is separated into two strands by heating.