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Organisms have adapted to the environment through evolution process, over the millions of years. So there structures are closely related to the need of environment.

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Q: How is study of organisms and their structures related to the study of organisms and their environment?
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Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment. THis includes interactions organisms have with each other, as well as their abiotic environment. Ecologists often cover diversity, distribution, population of organisms, as well as the competition between them and among ecosystems.

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The study of how living and extinct organisms are related to one another is simple. This study is called evolution.

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Organisms are not isolated in their environment. Organisms must interact with other individuals of their own species, with other species, and with their physical environment. The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment is called ecology (Greek: oikos- house; logia- study). The study of ecology can encompass all aspects of Biology; from physiology to behavior, because any change within an organism has the potential to affect its relationship with the environment.