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Urea enters the hepatic vein and then goes the the right and then left side of the heart. Then it enters the systemic circulation. 20 % of the cardiac out put goes to the small sized kidneys for excretion of the urea. With this much heavy blood supply to the kidneys, urea is eliminated from your body.

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Q: How is urea transported from liver to the kidney?
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Urea is transported by blood to the?


What is the substance that the liver creates from nitrogen waste?

Your liver converts the nitrogenous waste into urea, which is then transported out of the body when you urinate.

How does urea travel from the liver to the kidney?

Urea is produced in the liver and taken to the hepatic vein. To vena cava then through all the heart things, lungs back down the heart and to the aorta. Then it goes to the renal artery and to the kidneys.

What organs produces urea?

"Kidneys" ^ this is incorrect. Urea is a byproduct of protein metabolism. In the GI, blood proteins are broken down into ammonia, it is then absorbed and the liver then converts it to Urea. It is then released into the blood stream where the Kidney's take it up and eliminate it. Urea is then eliminated by the kidney's, but not produced by it. its synthesized during the metabolic activity of the body. and is purified form the body in kidnies. ^so basically, liver makes urea not the kidneys

What is the organ that produces urea in our body?

The liver produces urea when it metabolises (breaks down) proteins. This is done in hepatocytes (liver cells). Amino acids are first broken down into ammonia, which is highly soluble and toxic in the blood plasma, so ammonia is joined with carbon dioxide to make urea, this is less soluble and less toxic but a build up of urea is toxic in the blood. Urea is then transported in the blood to be filtered out by the kidneys.

How ammonia is transported in the body?

The liver, for its eventual conversion to urea.

How is urea transported in the blood plasma?

nitrogenous waste is carried through the blood. the waste passes into the nephrons (kidney cells) inside the nephrons the blood passes through "the loop of henly" in which the waste is pulled out of the blood and send to the bladder to be concentrated as urea

What components make up to form urea in mammals?

Urea is synthesised in the liver, from the oxidation of amino acids and/or ammonia. Look up "urea cycle" for details about this process. It is then transported (in the blood) to the kidneys and excreted to the bladder, and exits the body with the urine.

Where is urea removed from the body?

By filtration through the kidney.

What are the benefits of going on a low protein diet?

A low protein diet is most beneficial for people with liver and kidney disease. Since protein is composed of 16% nitrogen it can be harmful to excrete the increased amount of urea in people with liver and kidney disease.

Which organ is responsible for removing nitrogenous waste such as urea?

They kidneys get rid of the urea produced by the liver. The skin also excretes a small amount of urea in the sweat.

What substance does liver change into urea?

Urea is produced in the liver and is a metabolite of amino acids. Excess ammonium ions are also converted to urea.