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Q: How long does it take to wake up after fainting?
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If i pass out what will happen when i wake up?

It really depends though. if you pass out (in a dying way) you won't ever wake up... If just a fainting way, You'll feel dizzy after that.

How long does it take for the average 13 year old to fully wake up?

Some people can fully wake up within 10 to 15 minutes after they get out of bed. Other people may take half an hour or more to fully wake up, especially if they were sound asleep and were awakened by someone or by an alarm clock.

You get up or wake up?

Sleepwalkers get up without waking up & sleepyheads wake up without getting up. Take your pick!

Are naps for tamagotchis from tamagotchi v5 suposd to take a long time like say an hour or two?

Yes they do take naps for an hour or 2 but if you want to wake them up before that you can set the time to a different hour and they will wake up!! Hope this helped!!

What is the percentage of people that wake up from a coma?

It is said that 87% percent of people in a comatose state will wake up. The time that it will take for the people to wake up is uncertain.

What rhymes with make up?

wake up, take up, break up

What is the difference between passing out and fainting?

there is no difference, "passing out" is simply a new invented slang term, where as "fainting" is the traditional English way of saying.

Why are you dizzy when you wake up?

Because your system has shut off for so long that when you wake up your body is still functioning.

Im really tired how do i wake up?

One way you can wake yourself up when you are tired is to take a cold shower.

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A long nap. Low blood pressure when you wake up & dizziness when you stand.

How long does it take after someone wakes up after the sleeper hold?

it takes someone 5 to 10 seconds to wake up after they have been put in the sleeper hold

When you wake up with morning wood what do you do?

Take a pee........carefully!