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A few hundred years.

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Q: How long does secondary succession take?
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Which ecological succession or secondary succession describes the event that take place on a hillside that has experienced a destructive mudslide?

secondary succession

How long does it take for a Forrest to form in a secondary succession?

From bare rock... I think 80yrs.

What is a secondary succession for the desert biome?

its still actually the same succession. the ground still has soil, but, being a desert, it will take a long time to become a climax community

After an event such as a forest fire an ecosystem experiences what is called?

The right answer is Secondary Succession (pg 52.)

What would be followed by secondary succession?

Primary succession. Follow the answer to "What is secondary succession?".

When does secondary succession could occur after?

Secondary succession can happy after primary succession . Secondary can be independent but is not usually independent from primary succession.

Is a volcano a secondary succession or a primary succession?

secondary sucession

What type of succession occurs in an area where an ecosystem has been disturbed?

primary succession

Why does secondary succession typically proceed faster than primary succession?

I takes longer for primary succession than secondary succession to go back to its original state

Why does primary succession take longer that secondary succession?

Soil nutrients remain in the area which enables plants to grow.

Is the bog considered primary or secondary succession?

the creation of bog mat is secondary succession

How long does it secondary succession to reach climax community?

It could take hundreds or even thousands of years to develop