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In mitosis, the homologous chromosomes dont interact, but in meosis, they separate during Anaphase 1. In mitosis, the homologous chromosomes dont interact, but in meosis, they separate during Anaphase 1.

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Q: How many homologous chromosomes interact with each other or dont during mitosis and meiosis?
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Related questions

What is unique to mitosis and not a part of meiosis?

homologous chromosomes behave independently Pairing of homologous chromosomes allowing independent segregation and crossing over is unique to meiosis. In mitosis, homologous chromosomes behave independently.

Do homologous chromosomes pair in mitosis?

No, only in meiosis

What are Homologous chromosomes that occurs in meiosis but not mitosis is called?


What is the difference between prophase mitosis and prophase meiosis?

In prophase I of meiosis, crossing over of homologous chromosomes occurs. This does not happen in prophase of mitosis.

Do homologous chromosomes separate only in meiosis?

yes. in mitosis there is separation of sister chromatids

What happens to homologous chromosomes during prophase 1 of meiosis which does not occur during prophase of mitosis?

In mitosis each daughter cell ends up with the same number of chromosomes as the mother cell.

What is a meiotic nondisjunction event?

Nondisjunction is when homologous chromosomes fail to separate in Meiosis I, or sister chromatids fail to separate in Meiosis II or Mitosis. This results in daughter cells with an incorrect number of chromosomes.

Explaining why the process of mitosis and meiosis are both?

mitosis is the duplicate of chromosomes and meiosis is the reducing of chromosomes.

In mitosis or meiosis do doubled chromosomes pair to form tetrads?

Tetrads form during meiosis. Tetrad refers to the four chromatids of homologous chromosomes.These are present during Prophase.

Do the chromosomes separate once in both mitosis and meiosis?

No. In mitosis the chromosomes separate once. In meiosis, in anaphase I, homologous chromosomes separate, but are still attached as sister chromatids. In anaphase II, the sister chromatids separate. So there are two chromosome separations in meiosis.

What is the end result difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis = doubling of chromosomes. Meiosis = halving of chromosomes.

What are the process of chromosomes?
