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I guess that that would be a good thing.

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Q: How many liters can bladder store urine?
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How many ounces should a bladder hold?

600ml of urine

How many liters of blood does it take to produce one liter of urine in a human?

It takes 36 blood liters to create 1 liter of urine.

Which vessel removes urine from the bladder in the fetus?

The umbilical vessel removes urine from the bladder of the fetus via the kidneys. The umbilical vessel has many uses in the fetal/placental environment.

How many urine in the bladder when someone feels like urinating?

The average human can hold the bladder for approximately 6 hours.

How many liters of water can kidney filtrate each day?

What hold urine are not the kidneys, which have the vital function of filtering the blood through renal corpuscles which is composed of a glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule. The renal corpuscle (or Malphigian corpuscle) is the beginning of the nephron. It is the nephron's initial filtering component. The bladder holds the urine, and can't hold so much urine like liters. The normal capacity is 400 to 600 ml.

How does the bladder work?

Well the bladder of course is a reservoir, it's a storage vehicle for urine. Its primary function is to keep the urine in a place that is water tight without letting the urea and the waste products be reabsorbed into the body until the individual can find time to empty the bladder. A whole sequence of events occurs when the bladder has filled and a signal is sent to the brain that there's been filling. Basically, the urethra has a sphincter muscle within it; one in women, and two in men--the second one being within the prostrate gland. So the first step is that the brain has signalled that the bladder's full, and the urethra, or urethras, will then relax, and allow opening of the channel, then the bladder will contract, thus expelling urine from the body.

Understanding Bladder Cancer?

The primary function of the bladder is to the store the urine drained into the bladder from the kidneys and urinary tract. Bladder cancer develops when the cells within the bladder begin to grow abnormally. Similar to other types of cancer, bladder cancer can spread to other organs in the body. Common organs where bladder cancer spreads include the bones, lungs, and liver. In the United States, men are diagnosed with bladder cancer at a higher rate than women.Types of Bladder CancerThe appearance of cells when looked at under a microscope determines that type of bladder of cancer present. Three common types of bladder cancer exist, which include urothelial carcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the bladder, and squamous cell carcinoma. Urothelial carcinoma is the most common type of bladder cancer and accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all bladder cancer cases. Urothelial carcinoma is directly connected to cigarette smoking. Two percent of bladder cancer cases result in adenocarcinoma of the bladder, which is strongly associated with prolonged infection and inflammation of the bladder. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for one percent of all bladder cancer cases and is also associated with infection and inflammation of the bladder.SymptomsThe most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine, which in most cases can be seen with the naked eye. Individuals may experience times when no bleeding is present, which causes many people to assume that the problem has disappeared. Other symptoms may include a frequent need to urinate or the inability to hold urine.DiagnosisThe most common way to diagnose bladder cancer is to investigate the cause of blood in the urine. A physician typically orders a urine test first to determine if blood is present in the urine and if an infection has occurred in the bladder. A doctor may order a urine cytology, which test for cancer cells in the urine. If the test comes back positive, it is a good indication that the individual has bladder cancer. An ultrasound, CT scan, or an MRI can determine if a tumor is present in the bladder.

How many ureters in a stallion?

Stallions have two ureters, one for each kidney, which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

Is it true that urine in the bladder should be discharged at intervals?

yes,when urine is in the blender for long it elasticize the wall of the blander.this weaken the wall of the blander and it can lead to many harmful things

Mild irritation during urination urine volume is 1.1 Liters per 24 hour many small pyramid shaped crystals?

alkaline urine.

How many ureters in the urinary system?

You have two ureters. There is one going from each of your two kidneys to the bladder. From the bladder to the outside is the urethra. The Urethra 'thrusts' the urine out of the body.

How much urine does a person produce in one exertion?

It all depends how many liquids you consumed, and how full your bladder is, not to mention how large your bladder is. But the average exertion for an adult with a full bladder is around 10 tablespoons. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on the person.